Donald Trump

Trump Camp Rips Clinton Over Her ‘Elitist Arrogance’


Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s barrage of television ads continued with the release of a new one titled “Predators.”

In it, the Trump campaign exposes Hillary Clinton’s “elitist arrogance” and highlights comments she has made in which she calls Americans “super predators,” “basement dwellers” and “deplorables.” The following is the script of the 30-second spot:

ON-SCREEN: Hillary Clinton on … African-American youth

HRC: They are often the kinds of kids that are called “super predators.” No conscience. No empathy.

ON-SCREEN: Hillary Clinton on … Bernie Sanders supporters

Some are new to politics completely … and they are living in their parents’ basement. That is a mindset that is really affecting their politics.

ON-SCREEN: Hillary Clinton on … Donald Trump supporters.

You could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables.


Super Predators

Basement Dwellers


What elitist arrogance. Say NO to Hillary Clinton

The ad will air in major markets in New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. Bruce Levell, executive director of the National Diversity Coalition for Trump, said Clinton’s “divisive language and mud-slinging” is why 75 percent of Americans believe the country is on the wrong track.

“Hillary Clinton’s outbursts expose what she really thinks about the American people, and are a direct result of her frustrations that her message falls flat on the ears of hard working Americans who are tired of watching her enrich herself at their expense,” he said. “A candidate who calls African-Americans ‘super predators’ cannot be expected to look after our community, let alone the entire nation.”


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