Ben Carson and Donald Trump

Do You Agree With This Campaign Chair’s Holy Week Comparison?


After Dr. Ben Carson endorsed Donald Trump for president, the former Republican candidate experienced some backlash from other Christians who felt betrayed by the decision.

Carson’s former campaign chairman, U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Bob Dees (ret.), felt compelled to come to his friend’s defense. So he released the following statement, which was shared on Carson’s Facebook page:

You are no doubt aware of Dr. Carson’s official endorsement of Donald Trump at a press conference today, the rationale for which he reiterated on his Facebook page this morning.

Subsequently, many of you sent strong messages of support for today’s endorsement, while many others sent equally strong messages of disappointment. In all candor, some of this critical dynamic reminds me of Passion Week which began with Hosannas from the people, and ended with “Crucify Him.” Yet Christ had not changed, just as Dr. Ben Carson has not changed his devotion to God, his fundamental policy convictions regarding the right path for our nation, or his undying commitment to Save America for Future Generations.

For those of you who seek to analyze this decision through a spiritual lens, we must ask how God’s purposes might have been thwarted if Daniel had not served in Babylon, or if Joseph had not served Pharaoh. In a similar vein, Dr. Carson’s endorsement is not driven by political ambition or any “sell out” on Dr. Carson’s part—rather Dr. Carson remains the same wise, practical, empirically driven and God-honoring leader and selfless servant he has always been.

While each of us is ultimately responsible to God and others for our response, I would ask those who have been so quick to judge and condemn to simply think about it further. The thoughts below reflect Dr. Carson’s thinking on the challenges we face.

Let us reason together for a moment:

• Our nation cannot survive another secular progressive administration, particularly under the leadership of someone like Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders. If the Democrats win this next election, America as we know it will cease to exist.

• Dr. Carson is an empirical thinker, assessing realities and determining common sense solutions to achieve the desired goal. The reality is that Donald Trump, along with the talented team which he will no doubt assemble, is the Republican Party’s best opportunity to win back the White House. Instead of Republican Party operatives falling on their sword regarding “anyone but Trump,” they should embrace the millions of newly interested Republicans, channeling their passion (and anger) into positive change and a likely victory. They should let the democratic process work.

• A majority of Dr. Carson supporters have consistently identified Donald Trump as their fallback choice, another outsider who can truly break the political paradigm of corruption and cronyism in Washington. As we have said for many months now, “Donald Trump and Ben Carson sing from the same song book; they just sing in different keys.”

• Our strength is our unity. In Dr. Carson’s sentiments from this morning, we cannot allow agents of division and political operatives to pit us against one another, or to thwart the voice of the people. Donald Trump possesses the capability to unite Americans and represent all of “We The People” in ways that his leading opponents simply cannot do. As Dr. Carson highlighted this morning, Donald Trump possesses the intellect, introspection (a surprise to many who do not truly know him), adaptive leadership and boldness needed to truly break the Washington, D.C., political paradigm that holds America captive.

• As always, Dr. Carson is not being politically correct—he simply wants to save America. He simply wants to solve the great challenges we face. This is why he has courageously and boldly endorsed Donald Trump as the best way to help “We The People.” The man who we have loved and followed has not changed—he continues to walk in faith as his Lord provides wisdom and a “lamp unto his path.”

As always, my comments simply cannot do justice to the true depth or significance of Dr. Carson’s thoughts. I commend Dr. Carson’s full comments at this morning’s press announcement. I have never heard him to be more clear, convicted or compelling. He remains laser focused, always seeking to do the right thing for the right reasons.

While some of you may still disagree with Dr. Carson’s endorsement decision, may the “banner of love” characterize our thoughts and actions. May each of us avoid the politics of personal destruction and divisive rhetoric that besets our land. May each of us be part of the solution, and not part of the problem. May each of us seek to Save America for Future Generations. Ultimately, may God heal our land, as He inspires and revives “We The People.”

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