Bo Copley

What This Unemployed Coal Miner Did Before Confronting Hillary Clinton


Bo Copley, an unemployed West Virginia coal miner and a Christian, became famous this week when he confronted Democratic Party presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton about her comments regarding shutting down the coal industry during a community roundtable.

But there’s so much more to the story, according to Prior to the meeting, wondering what he had gotten himself into, he turned to the Lord:

“I began to pray. I prayed through the day,” he said. “Then Sunday after church, I went to play golf with some friends, and I prayed about it during the hour-and-a-half drive to golf, and all the way back, too. I asked for the Lord to guide me in what to say and what to do at the meeting.”

“I also fasted on Sunday,” he said. “People look at fasting differently, but for me, I decided not to eat for the whole day—giving up something that focuses on the flesh, and instead focus on the spirit.”

Copley worked in the mines for 11 years before being laid off last September. He showed the presidential candidate a photo of his children and asked how he was supposed to explain her comments—and the loss of his family’s livelihood—to them. See the exchange with Clinton below.


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