How to Fix a Brain Hooked on Porn

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I had spent eight years travelling the world filming Ark Hunter, a documentary on my search for Noah’s Ark, when I decided to put it on the shelf and shift my attention to porn. Yes, porn. I was at church one Sunday morning when my pastor reported that nearly 70 percent of Christian men are hooked on porn. I leaned over to my wife and said, “This is serious! We’ve got to do something about this.”

Over the next several months, my wife and I researched why so many Christian men who love God can’t stop watching porn. What we discovered was astounding.

Because Gray Matter Matters

Watching porn impairs the prefrontal cortex part of the brain where moral decisions and executive reasoning takes place. Over time, the prefrontal cortex, along with other brain regions, develop “holes,” causing one to lose brain power.

What starts out as a moral failing, quickly becomes a brain problem.

Trying to fix your porn problem by yourself is like trying to do brain surgery on yourself.

Over the next two years, we embarked on a mission to produce the Conquer Series, a tool we believed would help men find freedom from porn addiction. We met with Dr. Lawrence Tucker, who specializes in brain SPECT imaging. See what Dr. Lawrence Tucker discovered in the following video:

He showed us brain scans of a healthy brain, a cocaine addict’s brain and a porn addict’s brain. The porn addict’s brain looked like Swiss cheese, almost identical to that of a cocaine addict. There was obvious loss of brain activity in the prefrontal cortex. So watching porn is like snorting digital cocaine—it becomes highly addictive.

Right there, it dawned on us why the church hasn’t been able to effectively help men in this area.

It’s a Brain Problem

For years, the church has been treating the problem as a moral issue. Well-meaning church leaders would tell men to try harder—pray more, read your Bible more and just “stop it.” They didn’t understand how watching porn changes the physical structure of the brain. These men need a process.

Not a Quick Fix

We had a single goal with the Conquer Series: to effectively help men find freedom. So far, over 500,000 men in 70-plus countries have been helped. Praise God! The key is renewal of the mind, which is a process. There’s no quick fix. It’s hard work.

Dr. Ted Roberts, who has led thousand of men to freedom, lays out an effective process in the Conquer Series. He shows men how to transform their minds and find lasting freedom.

We have a sexual addiction screening test on our website to determine if you are struggling with sex addiction. It was developed by world renowned sex addiction expert, Dr. Patrick Carnes. You don’t need to register or sign up to take it. Just visit

We’ve just released the all new Conquer Series in 2018. It’s packed with a lot of new content, powerful tools, real practical strategies and insights from new experts. Overall it is a much more powerful and effective Conquer Series.

Visit to order the Conquer Series today.

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