Greg Laurie Is Introducing Billy Graham to the Next Generation


The Red Lobster you chose to go to lunch on your break is full, as a large convention has gathered outside the venue.

You scan the crowded seats for an empty table. Looking at your companion, you see him pulling his ball cap lower over his eyes, seemingly eager not to be noticed.

It’s to no avail. One by one, strangers come up with longing in their eyes, asking questions about faith, God and their purpose.

And one by one, you watch as your companion graciously answers those questions, with all the kindness of one who has walked with God.

What if you were in the shoes of Pastor Greg Laurie as he recalls this exact scenario with the late evangelist Billy Graham? How would you react?

Awe and respect flooded Laurie as he got to know what many would be able to see about Graham just by hearing him preach.

Laurie shares Graham’s down-to-earth nature and more with the next generation in his new book, Billy Graham: The Man I Knew, releasing April 13, 2021, and available for preorder now.

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