How Priscilla Shirer Prays in Power—Even on the Hard Days


Have you ever felt the barrage of one bad thing after another?

Evangelist, author and War Room actress Priscilla Shirer has.

And she shares in this transparent moment some of the hardships she’s faced in the past two years that made it difficult to pray—from losing her 38-year-old cousin and best friend to the death of her grandfather, less than a month before her mother died. Then, just one week after her mother’s funeral, Shirer was on the table and under the light, undergoing a major lung surgery.

Before she could fully recover from the operation, COVID-19 rattled the world over, inciting extensive lockdowns and mandates. And if this wasn’t enough, she says, racial tension steadily escalated on the heels of the health crisis.

Shirer shares this one thing that helps her connect with the Father when life leaves her without words. What is the key to powerful prayer in the midst of one thing after another? Watch this video to hear more. {eoa}


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