Top of the Week: Atlanta Charismatic Pastor Shot Dead


‘At Peace With God’: Atlanta Charismatic Pastor Shot Dead in Alleged Cased of Mistaken Identity

An Atlanta pastor’s family and church family were left reeling with grief and questions after an unexpected fatal shooting.

A member of Higher Dimensions Church International in Decatur, Georgia, announced Pastor Kevin D. Nick’s death in a Facebook post on Saturday, March 16, 2021.

“He was certainly a general in the kingdom and will be greatly missed by all whose life he so fervently touched,” Tremaine Thomas said of Nick. Though they are heavy-hearted, the congregation says, “we rejoice knowing he is at peace with his God.”

The beloved pastor, it seems, was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Two shootings were reported in the area of Nick’s home and church Friday evening, though authorities have not said if they were connected. DeKalb County police found Nick in his car, crashed between two trees. He was unconscious, without a pulse and with multiple gunshot wounds.

Autistic Child Denied Services for Family Refusing to Allow Cross-Dresser to Work in Home

Autistic children are incredibly sensitive to change. Anything new, unexpected or illogical can send these special children into a physical and emotional tailspin.

Sometimes unable to verbally communicate their distress, such children tend to express their pain and confusion via crying and self-harm that can last for hours or even days.

Autistic families learn to keep change to a minimum, making consistency a goal and continuity the core of their family life so their special child can know peace and thrive.

Liberty Counsel received a plea for help this week from a young family caught in the crossfire of the radical LGBTQ movement’s attempts to destroy that peace and force a cross-dresser into the home of this Christian family.

This outrageous story will be repeated if HR 5 passes.

Florida Pastors Gathering Reveals How Rumblings of Revival Are Shaking America

In a time where many in the body of Christ are deeply concerned about the condition of the nation, about 70 pastors gathered on Friday in Lakeland, Florida, for a meeting hosted by Believers Fellowship in partnership with All Pro Pastors International. Host Pastor Jonathan Friedt told the group they had assembled “to hear what God has to say and to do what God has called them to do.” Ché Ahn, senior pastor of Harvest Rock Church in Pasadena, California, and apostle of Harvest International Ministries, a network of over 20,000 churches and ministries, served as the keynote speaker.

Pastors from around the state came together in solidarity, greeted by Lakeland Mayor Bill Mutz, who expressed his deep respect for the pastors gathered in the room. He also praised them for their dedicated work to make our communities and citizens better by serving them in their ministries, saying, “The fabric of what makes our communities really count happens through your organizations.” Mutz went on to solicit pastors from the Lakeland area to reach out to his office, assuring them, “I have the privilege of serving with a very godly commission, and what a privilege it is.”

Defending the Faith

Ahn wasted no time while speaking to the leaders in the room, immediately addressing the struggle in our nation with governmental policies implemented in the beginning days of the COVID-19 crisis and subsequent lockdown.

Why China’s Actions May Enable the Antichrist to Dominate the World

While Bible prophecy only hints at China’s role in the end times, the country’s actions reveal how it may enable the Antichrist to dominate the world.

The Global Reach of the Antichrist

The Old Testament prophecies from Daniel and Ezekiel describe future battles led by the Antichrist against Israel with solely regional countries. These prophecies only hint at nations outside of the Middle East and North Africa.

Yet in the book of Revelation, we read about how the Antichrist’s reach will extend to the whole world. He will demand worship from all peoples, control world trade and even kill every person who does not pledge allegiance to him.

It is evident today that Israel’s prophesied foes lack the global reach that the Antichrist will ultimately hold. So how will this massive gap be bridged in the days to come?

Revival Fires Burn Bright at Texas Church Since 2018

Healings. Salvations. Miracles. Changed lives.

When a pastor and a church get tired of “business as usual” and pursue the Lord in passion, anything can happen. That’s what Pastor Mike Fehlauer of New Life Church in Corpus Christi, Texas, has learned through the ongoing revival his church has experienced since 2018.

It all began, not with crises or problems in the church, but with what he says was an “increasing dissatisfaction” on his part.

“I just really felt like we’d put a lid on the expression, the movement, the activity of the Holy Spirit at New Life Church,” Fehlauer says.

For four Wednesday nights in a row that July, the church decided “to give the Holy Spirit room—space to move, space to do something. … just see what He had to say,” he says. {eoa}

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