The Steadfastness of the Lord Remains, Even When Nothing Else Does


Those who were asked, “Where do you see yourself in five years?” could not have predicted where they—and the world—would be right now.

Spiritual wars are raging. Racial divides are growing. Political parties are splintered and cracking. And yet, Jesus remains. He remains steadfast, faithful, generous and good.

And more than that, He is loving. “He is a lover of Black people; He is a lover of white people. He’s a lover of the unchurched and the assembly under the steeple.”

Even though this video was released five years ago, when people were dreaming of their future best selves not knowing the difficulties 2020 and beyond would bring, the message rings true: When the world is seemingly drenched in chaos, return to the hope that we don’t worship man, we worship the Lord of lords and the King of kings.

Let this video encourage you today.


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