Churches Share Holiday Joy, Support Amid Pandemic


The 2020 holiday season will be like none other in many of our lifetimes.

A COVID-19 comeback is already putting a damper on family and church gatherings. But that doesn’t mean churches and ministries need to be on the sidelines during these unprecedented times.

Experience in helping people deal with tragedy and disaster allows the faith community to gain trust, reduce fear and spread hope where it’s needed most.

As restrictions ramp up again across the country, churches must remain creative to ensure meaningful worship while encouraging hope and fellowship amid a relentless pandemic.

Still, social and spiritual interactions are limited not by choice, but in many cases by law. Since the virus first hit, we’ve seen how loneliness, fear and stress can overwhelm.

“The church is often where people turn to first when they’re in crisis looking for help. So that one of the immediate things that churches can do would be to provide counseling or other types of support service,” said Dr. Stephen Grcevich, a psychiatrist and founder of Key Ministry.

Read the full article from CBN News here and watch the video here.

Reprinted with permission from Copyright The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc., All rights reserved.


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