A panel on

How the Globalist Agenda Is Climbing the Ladder in California Politics


California recently voted to become a “sanctuary state,” a move that plays into the hands of the globalist agenda, Lt. Col. Robert Maginnis tells Jim Bakker.

“Nation-states that are sovereign are going to be wiped away because that’s globalists are all about. They don’t want us to have nation-states, they want one-world governance under their elite control,” Maginnis says.

According to NPR, the California Values Act would forbid state and local law enforcement agencies from providing information to or acting as the deputies for federal immigration authorities. The bill also prohibits police and sheriff officers from inquiring about a person’s immigration status.

“And these people think they are genetically predisposed to be smarter than the rest of us where they can reimpose a feudalistic system that dictates everything that we consume and do,” Maginnis says.

Watch the video to see more.


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