How Tim Tebow Wants to Improve Christian Movies With His New Film


Tim Tebow has been a star in college football, the NFL and even baseball. But with the new film, Run the Race, he’s trying out a new role: executive producing. Tebow says he hopes Run the Race is a more realistic, grounded entry to the Christian film genre. He told Movieguide® he grew up watching Christian movies, but those movies’ perfect outcomes could be very unrealistic and hard to relate to for many people.

“A lot of times, when you see—at least for us growing up—there was some faith-based movies that were like, ‘That’s not real!’ You know?” Tebow says. “You don’t always win, and it’s not always perfect. So we wanted to make this movie to encourage people where they can have faith, hope and love even in the midst of the hard times.”

Tebow also adds about the movie, “It’s about understanding that God has a great plan for your life and that He loves you, and how everything changes when we’re running to Him rather than running from Him.”

Watch the full interview with MovieGuide® here.


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