Watch: Melania Trump’s Farewell Message


First Lady Melania Trump’s farewell message from the White House expressed heartfelt thanks to health care workers, service professionals and those who risk their lives every day for the safety of America.

A large chunk of time in her almost 7-minute video was devoted to encouraging Americans to continue the work of her initiative, Be Best, in which she has made strides in raising awareness against cyberbullying, opioid addiction and the well-being of the next generation.

She also shared timely words of encouragement for Americans in this time of transition:

“Do not lose sight of your integrity and values. Use every opportunity to show consideration for another person and build good habits into our daily lives in all circumstances.”

She urged Americans “to focus on what unites us; to raise above what divides us; to always choose love over hatred, peace over violence and others before yourself.”

For more on how Americans must “carry on America’s legacy of rising our nation to greater heights through our spirit of courage, goodness and faith,” watch the first lady’s full message here.


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