Morning Rundown: Cindy Jacobs Says ‘God is Shaking the Nations,’ But Do Not Fear


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Cindy Jacobs Says ‘God is Shaking the Nations,’ But Do Not Fear

Generals International’s Cindy Jacobs says we have arrived at a place in time where God is shaking the nations. The prophetic word for many, even believers, brings an overwhelming feeling of anxiety as we go deeper into the end times.

But Jacobs, in an interview with CBN’s Chris Mitchell in Jerusalem, says Christians shouldn’t fear what God is doing and to prepare for it by embracing the revival and awakenings that are taking place globally.

“God gave me the scripture when He says, ‘once again, I will shake the nations,'” Jacobs says. “So, we’re at that point where God indeed is shaking the nations. He’s shaking it so that people will get saved, and so that we as His children will let go of a lot of things we need to let go of so that we can move into a place of destiny.”

Warning: Prophetic Witchcraft Is Defiling Many

God doesn’t want us to fall into a pit of witchcraft. He warned His people, “Give no regard to mediums and familiar spirits; do not seek after them, to be defiled by them: I am the Lord your God” (Lev. 19:31).

Catch that. Prophetic witchcraft defiles you. The Contemporary English Version of this Scripture reads, “Don’t make yourselves disgusting to Me by going to people who claim they can talk to the dead.” And The Message puts it this way: “Don’t dabble in the occult or traffic with mediums; you’ll pollute your souls. I am God, your God.”

Defile means “to make unclean or impure.” It means “to corrupt.” It means “to contaminate.” God calls us to be holy even as He is holy. Prophetic witchcraft and holiness do not mix.

Miraculous True Story ‘Paul’s Promise’ Hitting Theaters Friday

God is birthing something miraculous through the arts and entertainment in America. Despite Hollywood’s best efforts to riddle consumers with anti-biblical content, they can’t deny the fact that the evangelical audience is looking for Spirit-led movies.

This Friday, Oct. 21st, a powerful movie based on a true story during the 1960’s Civil Rights movement is hitting theaters nationwide called, “Paul’s Promise.”

The 1960’s in Little Rock, Arkansas was a tumultuous time. The movie is based around Paul Holderfield’s inspirational story. He was a former racist firefighter who was radically touched by God, and ended up starting one of the first integrated churches in the South. {eoa}

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