Fayetteville, Arkansas, rejected an ordinance that would allow people to choose restrooms based on which gender they identify with.

Arkansas Voters Reject Houston-Type LGBT Ordinance


Arkansas voters got an early Christmas present this week, when Fayetteville put the city council on notice that it wouldn’t tolerate a Houston-type ordinance. In an incredible victory, voters turned out in droves—even in an ultra-liberal college town—to roll back a measure that would have given locals the “right” to use either gender’s bathroom, shower, locker room or any other public facility of their choosing.

After collecting more than 5,000 petitions, the issue was put to a public vote this week—and despite the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) sending activists and $200,000 to protect the anti-religious freedom ordinance, it was soundly rejected by 52 percent of locals. Like us, they see right through this “non-discrimination” ploy to the real goal: strong-arming and silencing men and women who hold natural views of sexuality. Under Ordinance 119, the city would have actually invented a special position dedicated to investigating complains of LGBT prejudice.

Thanks to our friends on the ground and the FRC Action and Church Ministries teams, there was a groundswell of opposition to the measure, which would have created a dangerous precedent by which Christian businessmen, wedding vendors and other believers could have been punished simply for living out their faith. Let’s hope last night’s message is heard loud and clear by the forces of political correctness who are moving stealthily through city councils near you. You can fight city hal—and win!

Tony Perkins is president of Family Research Council.


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