Franklin Graham addresses prayer in the upcoming election while holding a copy of 'Decision' magazine.

Franklin Graham: We Should Hold Politicians Accountable to Psalm 139


Evangelist Franklin Graham appeared to fire verbal shots at Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton with a Facebook post following the debate. 

The issue close to Graham’s heart—and the heart of God himself—was not mentioned, though Clinton claims to be a representative of the children. Clinton clearly violates Psalm 139 with her so-called women’s rights positions.  

Graham writes:  

Well the first debate is behind us, and everyone has their opinions about who came out on top. There’s no question, the difference between the candidates is night and day.
I don’t know about your television, but right now mine has more political advertisements than you can watch. Some candidates have entire political ads talking about how they spent their career fighting for the rights of children. Yet they spent their entire career fighting against the rights of unborn children! Since Roe v. Wade in 1973, it is estimated that over 58 million children have been killed by abortion in this country. Doesn’t an unborn child have any right to live? God’s Word says He knew us in our mother’s womb. We need to hold politicians and political parties accountable for consistent positions. You can’t say you’ve spent your life standing up for children when you support killing them in the womb.


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