Is It White Privilege When the Obamas Rake in $240 Million?


In these turbulent times, it is critical that Christians be extremely discerning. Politicians can be slippery, telling different audiences what they want to hear.

At last week’s Democratic Convention, former President Barack Obama lambasted President Trump and hammered home the theme that America is unfair to anyone but the “whites.” Radical change is essential. The new Democratic Party is ready to banish “white privilege” and bring forth Biden’s vision for a “progressive” society based in equality and nondiscrimination.

Many admit it’s difficult to listen to Obama make these kinds of speeches when we consider his upbringing and the outcome of his life. From fatherlessness and adversity, he rose to prominence through hard work, perseverance and seizing opportunities afforded all, including Black Americans.

Barack Obama received close to 90 million votes from white Americans electing him president of the United States. His college and law school costs were covered in large part by white America.

Now as a private citizen, he and Michelle don’t seem to be suffering from “institutional racism” as they are expected to take in over $240 million, enjoy their two lavish residences in Washington, D.C., and $12 million waterfront mansion in Martha’s Vineyard plus celebrate his $40 million net worth and $200,000 pension for life.

No one deprives him of these incredible blessings coming from his achievements. He’s blessed to live in America, the beacon of hope, freedom, opportunity and prosperity for all willing to apply themselves and reject selfishness, laziness, lawlessness and self-destructive behavior.

All of this basically comes from a scriptural worldview put into practice. With the election fast approaching, it is extremely important we are registered to vote and vote for values that are biblically informed. This is probably the most consequential election in American history, and it’s imperative for God’s people to be fully involved and influence others to do likewise.

If you haven’t registered, go to to be inspired and involved. Pastors and ministry leaders, please exhort those you serve to be engaged as salt preserving society from decay.

Invest 3.5 minutes watching this video to equip you in understanding the difference between a secular and a spiritual worldview. {eoa}


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