Aretha Franklin

Aretha Franklin Claims Miraculous Healing


Aretha Franklin, the Queen of Soul, says the nature of her latest health issues is not important. What she wants the world to know is that she’s has been “miraculously” healed.

The unspecified health problems, which she told the Associated Press is “very common to women,” have forced the 71-year-old Franklin to cancel several concerts and public appearances lately. But Franklin says she’s on the road to recovery through prayer and her faith.

“My treatments are going very well,” Franklin told the AP in a phone interview. “My last CAT scan, my doctor at the CAT scan and everyone who sees this says that this is miraculous, absolutely miraculous.

“I was talking to [fellow entertainer] Smokey Robinson, my oldest best friend Smokey, talking about the fact that some doctors are not very well-acquainted with faith healing. And Smokey said, ‘Well, they just don’t know who your healer is.’”

Franklin said her latest health issue was related to a health matter she had three years ago and that she was genuinely concerned about it.

“Any time you have cancellations, you should be concerned,” Franklin told the AP. “But prayer is good, and keep me in your prayers until I am 100 percent, not 85, and back on stage.”

Franklin said she’s excited about performing at Radio City Music Hall in New York in February and is planning another album in the near future. She said she has been getting plenty of rest and taking better care of herself, leading to a decline in her blood pressure.

“The most important thing is my comfort and going at my pace,” she said. “Nothing is more important than my health.”


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