Christian business leaders praying.

Christian Entrepreneurship Needed Now More than Ever


For many Americans, the list of companies who support morals and values that they agree with are becoming few and far between.

The adage, “go woke, go broke,” has been plastered on major corporations that have lost billions of dollars for abandoning the customer base which made them successful.

Recently, operations such as Disney, Target, Bud Light and KFC have all been in the news for supporting causes which could be deemed ungodly at best.

So, what are Christians supposed to do with their money and where are they to buy necessities if every company from Proctor and Gamble to Ford have embraced Marxist ideologies?

They go out into all the world as commanded by Jesus, and some are to start companies that honor God above all things.

This is certainly easier said than done, as it takes people, a market, money and a product or service to create a business at the very least.

All these things, and more, can be attained using wisdom and faith in God to carve out a spot in the American markets.

Philippians 4:19 says, “But my God shall supply your every need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”

In today’s markets, there is a need for businesses that honor God. That give Him their first fruits and put faith first, then profits.

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There is a push by conservatives to counteract the radical agendas being pushed by companies today, and it is often very successful.

Take The Daily Wire co-founder and co-CEO Jeremy Boreing as the perfect example of counteracting the Marxist trumpeting of companies today.

In the wake of the Gillette razor fiasco where they accused men of being sexual predators, their main target audience, and Harry’s Razors promoting transgender ideologies, Boreing launched his own brand: Jeremy’s Razors.

This product launch saw immense success, and according to The Daily Wire:

“Since entering the field after declaring war on Harry’s Razors, The Daily Wire’s shaving startup has sold over 130,000 razors, expanded into a complete line of skin care and grooming products and now operates a bustling fulfillment center. The explosive success is proof that men want to look good without being scolded or preached at.”

All of which is true, but there is more that a business can do besides be the normal version of a radical alternative. Boreing said as much:

“The Left is happy to bifurcate the culture, ripping it in two,” Boreing said. “They’re convinced there will be no economic consequences for this because you need their products.

“So, to win, they have to rip the economy in two,” he continued. “We have to give conservatives their own companies and their own products to buy. We have to build market alternatives that, in success, will force the Left to take real losses if they don’t compete directly for our business.”

To be clear, this is not a criticism of Mr. Boreing or any other conservative company that sets out to combat the left-wing takeover of businesses. This is a call for Christian businessmen and women to join them in taking a stand for godly principles and in their work honor God and point their customers toward Jesus.

What company represents the success to be found in honoring God as Chick-Fil-A?

A business that sells chicken sandwiches and is only open six days out of the week, is consistently voted the best fast-food restaurant by U.S. customers.

So, what is their secret?

According to former-CEO and Chairman of the Board Dan Cathy it is simple:

“At Chick-fil-A, we are very grounded on our corporate purpose, to be a purpose-driven organization,” Cathy told Chief Executive magazine. “That purpose is defined in the statement that we’re here to glorify God by being a faithful steward of all that’s entrusted to us and have a positive influence on all who come in contact with Chick-fil-A.”

This approach has proven it works, in the fast-food industry and men’s skincare with Jeremy’s Razors. But there needs to be more Christians engaging in the economy and business world.

Ministries, pastors, private citizens and others who are tired of the godless actions of the world must put their faith and finances into action. If Christians do not participate in the society we are called to change with the gospel of Jesus Christ, it will only continue down the path of darkness that it currently walks. {eoa}

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James Lasher is Staff Writer for Charisma Media.


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