Bible League digital bibles

Digital Bibles Reach Persecuted Church


Just as Gutenberg’s printing press paved the way for the Reformation and changed the world’s economic, social and spiritual order, today’s digital technology is dramatically transforming the religious dynamics of our world.

Bible League International has joined with Digital Bible Society (DBS) to create a virtual Christian library with multiple free Bible versions and translations and hundreds of hours of audio and video materials, all on a DVD or other digital storage device.

“It’s like a miniature Christian bookstore,” said Robert T. Frank, global CEO of Bible League International (BLI). “Working with Digital Bible Society, we’re able to expand our ministry’s impact exponentially. We can get these materials into areas where believers are persecuted and in places where the demand for Scripture far outweighs the supply. Even in impoverished areas, we’re placing all of this Christian material into the hands of ordinary people who can’t afford to buy even one Bible.”

The unique functionality of the Digital Bible Library uses data compression technology for maximum storage. Micro SD chips, thumb drives, CDs and DVDs are used to create the most effective delivery method, ensuring maximum portability and duplication. Although the information is launched using a browser, when the library’s storage device is removed, it leaves no trace on the equipment it uses, giving those in persecuted areas better security.

“One of the remarkable features of the material being compiled by DBS is that it is copyright free,” Frank added. “The groups that DBS has partnered with to provide the library content have agreed it may be copied free of charge, as many times as needed, so these resources can be shared in countries where acquiring a hard copy of even one Bible translation is difficult if not impossible.”


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