How You Can Live With Purpose and Passion


Have you noticed that some Christians are never satisfied or happy? They always have a long face, and they always talk about their problems and circumstances. Their attitude is lukewarm, lifeless, apathetic and pathetic.

The world may have this type of attitude, but we as Christians shouldn’t . After all, the only way we’re going to affect other people who need Christ is to let them see His life in us!

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That’s our job every day, everywhere we go. People want to enjoy their lives—to live with passion and enthusiasm. If they can see us living that way, they can ask us, “So what’s going on with you that you seem to be happy all the time?” Or they may say, “You always have a good attitude no matter what’s going on.”

So I ask : How are you living your life? Do you have passion and purpose?  

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When people notice our good attitude, it gives us a wide door of opportunity to tell them, “Really, I deal with the same things you deal with. It’s not that I never have a struggle, but Jesus Christ is in my life, and He makes all the difference for me!”

Think of it this way: You and I may be the only Jesus our neighbors will ever see. And if God didn’t have something for us to do here on earth, He wouldn’t have left us here. We are here for a purpose.

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