What Does God’s Voice Sound Like?


Have you ever wondered what God sounds like? Would His voice be a gentle whisper in the breeze, or would it be a booming voice, one with impact and a tremendous roar behind it?

In his exclusive Beyond The Article interview, beloved pastor and theologian R.T. Kendall explains what you can expect the voice of God to sound like.

“Sometimes the voice of rain, soft,” Kendall says. “Gives you peace and tranquility. But sometimes thunder…when God speaks in a way that He’s judging and He’s angry.”

Kendall makes the point that God’s voice shifts and flows depending on what He is saying, just as ours do. Kendall says that if we look at the book of Revelation and see what John’s experience was like hearing God and seeing the gloriousness of the resurrected Jesus, it gives us a glimpse into God’s purity and holiness.

“John said, ‘I turned to see the voice and being turned I saw seven golden candlesticks and I fell at his feet as dead,'” Kendall says.

Not only does Jesus’ words have power and authority throughout the book of Revelation, but they have always had purpose and meaning, just as He Himself is the Word.

In his feature article of Charisma Magazine Online, Kendall writes, “Jesus had authority in His voice. It was with this authority that He went around healing people.”

All authority on heaven and earth have been given to Jesus, and it is through His voice that healings and miracles abound.

However, as Kendall writes, it’s not only the voice of authority that Jesus has, but it is the voice of peace and rest that He desires to speak to us with.

“Jesus said, ‘Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest,’ (Matt. 11:28). Does this description fit you? Are you weary and burdened and yet you don’t understand why you feel this way?”

The voice of God sometimes comes to us like a gusty wind, forceful and mighty, while other times it is quiet and mostly a still-small sound. Yet regardless of how He decides to speak to us, His voice is the one of truth that leads down to the pathway of life.

Abby Trivett is a marketing copywriter and coordinator for Charisma Media.


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