Dr. Jim Garlow: Jonathan Cahn Is ‘America’s Prophet’


Dr. Jim Garlow, a prominent Evangelical leader of the Well Versed ministry, is calling Jonathan Cahn “America’s prophet.”

Garlow has ministered to Congress, ambassadors of the New York City United Nations and served on former President Donald Trump’s faith advisory team. Now, he is giving Cahn a standing ovation for his prophetic messages.

In a statement to Charisma Media, Garlow praised Jonathan Cahn for his bold, much-needed books during this day and age.

To pre-order Jonathan Cahn’s latest book, “The Dragon’s Prophecy,” visit Amazon.com.

“The Jonathan Cahn books are a profound gift to America,” Garlow writes. “The world is being warned by ‘America’s prophet.’ Thanks to Charisma, we have a modern day Jeremiah warning us.”

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This astounding endorsement comes right as Cahn approaches the release of his latest book, “The Dragon’s Prophecy.” The writing of this book so far has brought many victories and great spiritual warfare upon Cahn, as he recently requested prayer from the body of Christ during this time of great anticipation.

“Please keep me in prayer, my family, the ministry, everything else and especially pray that God powerfully uses the book,” Cahn says.

While the enemy may be trying to strike at Cahn, the demand for the prophetic warnings he provides in all of his books continues to grow.

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“When I announced this book,” Cahn says, “Your response to pre-order it was so great that it actually made ‘The Dragon’s Prophecy’ a best-seller before it was even finished, before it technically existed.”

All of Cahn’s previous books have charted on the New York Times as best-sellers as he has taken these prophetic warnings not just to people of faith, but to the world.

Now is the moment to continue to pray for the Lord to speak through Cahn as his prophetic messages impact America and the global community.

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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.


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