Buried 6-Year-Old’s Rescue a ‘Miracle’

boy trapped in sand

Six-year-old Nathan Woessner beat the odds and miraculously survived being buried alive under 11 feet of sand for hours.

Woessner’s grandfather, a pastor, declared it a miracle.

“To think about that, to just have the earth literally consume your child and leave not a trace. At the end of the day, we won the lottery. The sand didn’t crush him, and by the grace of God we have what we have,” Don Ruel says.

Reul says before he heard about the accident, he had suffered intense heart pains. Later, when he assumed his grandson had died, he says it helped him gain new insight on the pain God the Father felt over the death of His Son on the cross.

Rescuers say there may have been an air pocket under the sand dune that was created by a nearby tree.

“Perhaps its trunk had rotted out, creating this void or this hole. But that’s still uncertain,” first responder Brad Kreighbaum says.

Woessner is currently on a ventilator, but he is moving his arms and legs and is expected to make a full recovery.

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