CN Morning Rundown: Matthew West Teases Daughters With “Modest Is Hottest’ Truth


Here’s a quick summary of the top stories on

Modest Is Hottest, Says Matthew West in Sincere Satire

Raising daughters in a world too focused on outward appearances is a battle singer-songwriter Matthew West is just starting to fight.

The father of two took to social media to proclaim a familiar message to the masses on how to represent Christ well as a daughter of the King: “Modest is hottest.”

West, who created semi-serious satires “Quarantine Life” and “Gobble Gobble” in the past, used the music video trend to teach his daughters a critical message.

Miracle Baby Born 4 Months Premature Sets World Record

Since he weighed just 11.9 ounces at birth, staff at the Children’s Minnesota hospital in Minneapolis gave one baby boy a dire survival rate: 0%.

But God had other plans.

Beth and Rick Hutchinson welcomed their son, Richard, into the world June 5, 2020. The only problem? His due date was four months later on Oct. 13, 2020.

What the IRS Got Remarkably Right in the Midst of a Terribly Wrong Ruling

Just type the words “IRS,” “Christian” and “Bible” into your search engine, and you’ll get a flood of results, most of them starting with headlines like this: “IRS denies Christian nonprofit tax exemption, saying biblical values are Republican.” Or this, “IRS Denies Christian Nonprofit Tax-Exemption Status for Links to Republican Party.”

Naturally, there has been outrage among Christian conservatives over this ruling, pointing to this as yet another example of the IRS’ anti-Christian, anti-conservative bias. That’s also why most of the commentary has focused on the egregious ruling itself, which is being appealed.

Yet, in the midst of this very wrong ruling, the IRS made a very right observation: By and large, the Republican Party is more aligned with biblical teaching than is the Democratic Party. {eoa}

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