
Intercessors Strategize ‘Prayer Storm’ for 70th D-Day Anniversary


On Friday, many of “His people, called by His name” in over 30 nations will be part of a “prayer storm” to “scale the cliffs and attack evil”—in their lives and in their nations—in the same way that thousands of brave men took the cliffs of Normandy in World War II.

As these prayer intercessors pray, fast and sincerely repent, organizers believe Almighty God will “hear from heaven, forgive our sin and heal our land” (2 Chronicles 7:14).

Repentance means to choose to come away from the flesh and the world’s ways to take up His way of purity. It also opens heaven for God to go into battle on our behalf and begin to restore the godly roots of our nations.

Those with spiritual discernment see that we are facing a spiritual battle against evil in our nations today every bit as real as WWII. Moral depravity, apostasy and other anti-Christian attacks reflect the creeping human secularist agenda that seeks to remove the gift of liberty that Jesus’ blood gave to all humanity.

Friday is a momentous day both nationally and spiritually as it is the 70th anniversary of D-Day. Since that day of God’s favor, we have allowed evil to creep back into our lives and in our nations. The weapons of our warfare this time are prayer, fasting and repentance. Our weapons “are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds” (2 Cor. 10:4).

D-Day was an allied attack involving 12 nations. Seventy years later we are now in unity through the Holy Spirit in many more nations. All Christians across denominations and boundaries are encouraged to set aside time on Friday in their individual prayer closet, or together with others, as part of a “prayer storm” to pray, fast and sincerely repent.

The power of just one person’s repentance is seen in the book of Daniel. Daniel humbly confessed his sins and his nation’s sins, sincerely repenting. God granted the request of this one righteous intercessor and brought Israel out evil’s bondage because he humbly stood in the gap for his people.

On this D-Day for repentance and deliverance from evil, will you be like Daniel? Will you storm the cliffs against Satan with us?

A model prayer, a Covenant of Obedience to Scripture and other free resources are at This initiative is co-sponsored by Capitol Hill Prayer Partners and National Day of Repentance.


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