Morning Rundown: UPDATE: Lindell and Driscoll Reconcile as Sword Swallower Responds


Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on

Lindell and Driscoll Reconcile as Sword Swallower Responds

Mark Driscoll and John Lindell have reconciled following controversy at the Stronger Men’s Conference.

During the conference, Driscoll called out the spirit of Jezebel for being present due to sword swallower Alex Magala’s performance where he removed his shirt and climbed up a pole.

Lindell called Driscoll off of the stage, and the two of them spoke in private. Following this discussion, the two came back to address the matter.

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IHOPKC Officially Announces Shuttering of Ministries

International House of Prayer Kansas City (IHOPKC) has officially announced via press release the staggered closure of ministries in the wake of the sexual and spiritual abuse scandal involving founder Mike Bickle.

While reports the day prior to the press release had originated from emails and audio from IHOPKC sources, the organization has confirmed that certain closures are happening:

After much prayer and deliberation with the Board, we have come to the conclusion that we will wind down many of the ministry and training expressions of IHOPKC, including IHOPU, Forerunner Church, CEC, and Internships. Our ongoing focus as a ministry will remain on the 24/7 prayer room and intercession for Israel.

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Reports of Demonic Encounters Skyrocket on Social Media

If you came into contact with someone with a face that looked like a demon and eyes that were completely black as night, what would you do?

Encounters of this nature are popping up on social media at the exact same time that the mainstream media is trying really hard to convince all of us that anyone that is seeing black-eyed demon faces has a disorder.

In fact, if you type “demon face” into Google News, you will literally get hundreds of articles about a disorder known as prosopometamorphopsia. But this is a very, very rare disorder. At this point, fewer than 100 cases of PMO have ever been documented.

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