Dr. Cesare Santangelo

VIDEO: Lila Rose Shows Late-Term Abortionist’s Murderous Practices


Pro-life organization Live Action released a second undercover video Monday, revealing how leading D.C. late-term abortion doctor Cesare Santangelo would leave a baby struggling for life after a failed abortion to die.  

“Hopefully we’ll get this pregnancy out intact, but it doesn’t always happen that way,” Santangelo said to an undercover Live Action investigator who was 24 weeks pregnant. “I try and sever the umbilical cord first, and we wait for that to stop pulsing, and this way the fetus is expired first.”

Live Action President Lila Rose notes: “It has become blatantly clear through this investigation that Kermit Gosnell is not alone in his disturbing late-term abortion practices. These gruesome practices are rampant through the abortion industry in America.”

Click below to see the video.


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