Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke

Is This the Solution to Driving Out Europe’s Darkness?


If anyone doesn’t believe that God governs in the affairs of men, should see these consequences of previous government actions and direct repercussions as evident in the current E.U. wide terrorism and Muslim refugee crisis. You reap what you sow.

Germany and Europe are now facing a refugee and terrorism crisis not seen since WWII, with terrorism the “new norm” in Germany, Belgium, France and Europe. There are riots in refugee centers, widespread rape and vandalism by Muslim immigrants and a rise in crime, sexual assaults and murder unprecedented in the new EU.

Christian Ministries Labeled as Cults

In 1996, a small number of Bundestag members got their hands on the levers of power and convinced the German federal government to form the “Enquete Commission for Sekten (Cults) and Psycho Groups” which officially began on May 6, 1996, concluding with a final report delivered on May 28, 1998.

The public justification was in part due to the “secretive religious sect known as the Order of the Solar Temple” in Switzerland in which “48 people were found dead in what appeared to have been a collective suicide.” 48 in Sect Are Killed in Grisly Ritual in Switzerland,” Alan Riding wrote for The New York Times on October 6, 1994.

However, three of the original Enquete Commission’s founder’s personal hobby was the study of cults and psycho groups around the world. Their expressed concern was the fear of the growing charismatic Christian churches and ministries not only in Germany but around Europe as well. They focused on how to use government authority and power to limit their growth and influence by passing new legislation to limit the religious freedom of the Christian churches.

The Enquete Commission placed over 600 Christian churches, Christian pastors, drug rehabilitation centers and other groups on their original list to be “investigated.”

No distinction was made between outstanding Christian pastors and ministries like Dr. Wolfhard Margies, pastor; Gemeinde auf dem Weg, the Christ For All Nations organization run by world-renowned Christian evangelist Reinhard Bonnke; and dangerous sects and fringe groups like the murderous Tokyo and Swiss cults; the Gesellschaft für Transzendentale Meditation (TM); and the Unification Church, whom the Enquete Commission demanded to interview.

Weeds From a Dark Political Past

The German pastors and evangelists summoned to the hearings, who faced heavy-handed questioning from the German Enquete Commission, were some of the finest pastors, churches and Christian organizations not only in Germany, but around the world as well.

This resulted in widespread persecution of Christian churches and pastors in Germany and across Europe from being labeled as “cults.” Many faced death and bomb threats, it triggered off lengthy Finanzamt “investigations” into church finances; churches had bank accounts frozen, while many others faced false criminal allegations such as “storing AK-47s and RPGs in the church basement,” allegedly drawing up “doomsday plans” along with false accusations of child molestation, to name a few problems.

This resulted in Christian pastors and many Christian ministries losing hundreds of members; many faced financial crisis shortfalls that lasted for years from defending themselves in court from the false allegations. The widespread vilification of Christian churches and ministries increased, resulting in some Christian ministries relocating elsewhere outside of Germany.

The Enquete Commission, a German Export

“They need to realize that the German situation is of serious concern to everyone interested in religion and democracy, because various German cult experts are making a concerted effort to encourage other governments, particularly in Eastern Europe, to impose limits on religious freedom. If what happened in Germany only affected Germans few outside scholars would speak out on German issues. But, when German cult experts try to influence the parliaments of other nations, and they have made submissions to the British Parliament, the Russian Duma and the European Parliament, in support of legislation against cults and new religions that sets limits on religious freedom, then German actions cease to be a German concern.” – “Religious Freedom in Germany: Mirage or Reality,” Irving Hexham, University of Calgary, Canada, 1998.

They Reap What They Sow

Now in light of today’s troubles in Germany the German Enquete Commission has backfired in more ways than one.

The German authority’s heavy-handed investigations and treatment of world-famous and beloved Christian evangelist Reinhard Bonnke was reprehensible. After a lengthy investigation that resulted in finding only minor infractions in their financial reporting, Bonnke decided to relocate most of his operations to Orlando, Florida, in 1998.

Bonnke Is Germany’s Crown Jewel

Bonnke is Germany’s crown jewel in Christian ministry and deserves the nation’s highest honors. Many believe Bonnke’s ministerial impact has already eclipsed that of famous German reformer Martin Luther globally.

Bonnke’s evangelistic crusades around the world have received over 75 million recorded conversions to Christ and heaven’s “stamp of approval” with miraculous signs and wonders in evidence during the crusades the world has not seen in such power and quantity.

Germany needs Bonnke’s message and the churches operating on all cylinders in a coordinated effort to reach the lost.

Bonnke’s message is simple and clear and more importantly, on point. His evangelism exalts Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. His preaching of the Word gives listeners a chance to be born-again and filled with the Holy Spirit resulting in powerful life changing results.

That is any government’s only hope.

Franklin Graham, CEO, Billy Graham Evangelistic Ministries, stated recently that “No human being can change without the gospel.” How true.

Merkel’s Cabinet

It’s time Chancellor Angela Merkel realized that they cannot solve their problems without God. Neither can Europe. The Enquete Commission’s hard line investigations of Christian pastors and ministries backfired and are now reaping what they sowed.

The influx of refugees from Syria in the past five years has set off an exponential increase in criminal conduct and financial costs unforeseen by the federal government.

Bonnke, Margies and the charismatic Christian churches and others are not Germany’s problem. They are the solution to the darkness that has descended upon Europe.

It is a fight for survival and a fight for civilization itself.

When push comes to shove, Bonnke has shown he always comes out a winner.

The German government leadership needs him now more than ever and should issue an invitation to sit down with Merkel’s cabinet ministers to discuss the problems and to coordinate solutions with the broader Christian churches. The clock is ticking.

It’s a war that can be won and must be won. However, Bonnke and others should play a large role in that sooner rather than later. {eoa}

Steven V. Selthoffer is a communications executive living in Germany. He previously worked as a producer for CBN and helped start the ECLJ in Europe. Selthoffer swam for U.S. Olympic coach Dr. James E. Counsilman, Indiana University. He has worked for Deutsche Telekom and T-Mobile on a number of large projects. Selthoffer also has a background in relief aid, security and international relations. He has testified before the OSCE, a joint session of the U.S. House and Senate of Congress on international relations and security. He has also worked in cooperation with the U.S. State Department and other agencies on relief aid and various other issues.

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