9 Tips to Reverse Your Holiday Weight Gain


Did you gain any weight over the holidays?  I did. I put on two pounds. I’m ready to get them off, plus a few more. How about you?  Here are a few tips to get you started on your reversal of the calorie blowout.

  1. Don’t stop eating altogether. Drink a veggie juice for breakfast. And eat a little protein. If you do skip a meal, it should be dinner, not breakfast or lunch. If you starve yourself all day, you’ll be much more prone to binge in the evening—the very worst time for that.
  2. Forgive yourself. Yes, you blew it! You didn’t work out, and you ate too many potatoes and appetizers. A new year is just around the corner. So get ready to praise yourself for the weight you’re going to lose.
  3. Start moving right away! Join the club, get a workout buddy or take your dog for a walk. The point is to get moving and keep moving. You’ll burn calories and build muscle. You’ll also get the good endorphins pumping. That puts you in a positive mood; you’ll be less apt to turn to food for a lift.
  4. Ditch the carbs. Those breads, bagels, crackers and potatoes really pack on the pounds. They’ve got to be the first things to go. Hey, here’s the good news. You’ll feel better in less than 48 hours.
  5. Write down your goals. How much do you want to lose? What else do you want to achieve? When it’s on paper, it becomes real. Give that weight loss a due date. By what date do you want to lose the weight? How hard will you try when it comes to that goal?
  6. Juice and eat your vegetables. Vegetables suppress your appetite. By the way, bread stimulates the appetite.
  7. Throw out the holiday leftovers, except for the turkey and veggies. You’re done with that. Don’t eat it to get rid of it, which will pile on more pounds.
  8. Plan ahead. Take food with you on errands so you aren’t tempted to hit a fast-food place. If you do get a food urge after dinner, eat a small low-cal snack, brush your teeth afterward, and “close down your kitchen.”
  9. Join one of my weight loss classes. I have two classes starting January 8—Juicing for Weight Loss and The Watercress Soup Diet. I’m teaming up with Angela for a new venture in weight loss. We’re setting up 10 coaching emails and a webinar for both groups. Angela lost 70 pounds. She’s traveled the weight-loss road. If you’ve tried many programs and have not succeeded, please don’t think there’s no hope. Join us in the new year. We’re committed to helping you reach your goal.

Weight-Loss Buddy

  • 3-4 carrots, scrubbed well, tops removed, ends trimmed
  • 1 Jerusalem artichoke, scrubbed well
  • 1 cucumber, peeled if not organic
  • 1 lemon, peeled if not organic
  • 1/2 small beet, scrubbed well with stems and leaves

Cut produce to fit your juicer’s feed tube. Juice ingredients and stir. Pour into a glass and drink as soon as possible.

Serves 1

Note: Jerusalem artichoke juice combined with carrot and beet is a traditional remedy for satisfying cravings for sweets and junk food. The key is to sip it slowly when you get a craving for high-fat or high-carb foods.

From The Turbo Diet {eoa}

Cherie Calbom, M.S., holds a Master of Science in whole foods nutrition from Bastyr University. Known as “The Juice Lady” for her work with juicing and health, she is the author of 32 books, including her latest book The Juice Lady’s Guide to Fasting. She and her husband offer juice-cleanse retreats throughout the year, 30-Day Detox online and Garden’s Best Juice Powder. “What You Can Do When Your Healing Doesn’t Come” is one point from her teaching “7 Keys to Your Supernatural Healing.” You can connect with Cherie at juiceladycherie.com.

This article originally appeared at juiceladycherie.com.


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