A Spirit-Given Message to Throw Down the Enemy’s Tormenting Whispers

2017 spirit salt light bible

Have you ever felt like you weren’t good enough for a certain position in your personal or professional life?  Do you ever experience the whispers of the enemy that torment your thought life and make you feel like you don’t deserve the best in life because of the misfortunes and mistakes of your past?  

If so, God wants you to grab hold to the fact that you are a big deal! If you weren’t, you wouldn’t be experiencing attacks that target your value as a person. The truth Is: you carry the treasures of the Lord within that have the ability to bring so much goodness to the world around you.

Be reminded of the truths Jesus affirmed over His disciples:

“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how shall it be made salty?” (Matt. 5:13a).

“You are the light of [Christ to] the world” (Matt. 5:14a).

Friends, you were created to impact the world around you with your gifts and talents. You are a carrier of God’s salt and light, and He wants you to release your treasure chest to your family, friends, children, workplace church and neighbors (strangers). This is not the hour to shrink back in shame and false humility. But the Lord says: arise and shine! You have something to offer, and it is time to bust a move and walk in your God-given purpose and identity.

Your piece of the puzzle in God’s agenda in the earth matters, and it’s a piece only you can fulfill.


Lord Jesus, I thank You that Your purpose for the person reading this message is beyond what they could think or even imagine. I praise You because You have endowed them with gifts and talents that will be used to bring impact to others. Even as they read this prayer, I ask that You would active them in their God-given purpose. I command all doubt and fear to flee in Jesus’ name, and I thank You for every door and opportunity You will open up before them, for the glory of your name and the edification of people around the world. Lord, I thank You that you’re replacing confusion with clarity and that they’ll walk in Godfidence from this day forward. May they always be reminded that they are a big deal, simply because they belong to You. Thank You, Jesus!  {eoa}

Deon Howard is extremely passionate about the plans and purposes of God and is dedicated to inspiring righteousness in the lives of people around the world. You can join the Identity in Christ Movement today at deonhoward.org and receive inspiration that will help you run the race in Christ and live your best life now. You can also follow Deon on Periscope @KingzKid.

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