What to Do When You’re Tired of Waiting for God to Fulfill Your Prophetic Word


Are you tired of waiting for a prophetic word to be fulfilled in your life? Have you received it, claimed it, believed for it, fought the good fight of faith with it—and still have yet to see it come to pass?

If so, don’t give up! Things can change in a day.

Think about the significant events in the lives of our fathers and mothers in the faith. One day Sarah, Abraham’s wife, was just an old woman with a barren womb. The next, she was pregnant with the child of promise. After 24 years of waiting for God’s word to come to pass, she was doubtful. But her situation changed—big time—in just one day!

One day David was being forced to live like a gypsy, running from the armies of King Saul. The next, his enemy was dead, and he was not only a free man but the anointed heir to the throne. David too had had a word from God—and after 15 years, he too had probably begun to doubt. But God saw to it that he became king on the appointed day.

There are other examples. What about Esther? One day she was a young Israelite woman with an uncertain future. The next, she was Ahasuerus’ queen.

One day Jeremiah was just a kid. The next, he was a prophet to the nation of Israel.

One day the Jewish people were lost, wondering why the heavens were silent and God no longer spoke to them. The next, they were gazing into the eyes of their long-awaited Messiah.

One day the disciples were hiding in an upper room for fear of persecution. The next, they were filled with the power of the promised Holy Spirit and eager to preach, teach and work miracles in Jesus’ name!

Now think about your life. Can you point to times when things changed drastically for you—in just a day? Perhaps you graduated from college or had a major career change or bought your first house or gave birth to a child. One day your circumstances could be defined one way, and the next, they were totally different.

I know I have plenty of examples of this. One day I was a sinner, the next a saint. One day I was single and the next, a married woman. One day I was unaware of my purpose and the next, I was walking in destiny.

That’s the way it is when God takes control of your life. He gives you a word, a promise, a vision and begins to set into motion all the things that are required to bring it into being. But he doesn’t cause it to be fulfilled until just the right moment. He allows you to wait—in order to prepare you and teach you to trust in Him.

The waiting does not negate the validity of His word. “God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He spoken, and will He not do it? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?” (Num. 23:19).

Sometimes we become impatient because God’s timing is not the same as ours. We want Him to do the thing as soon as He speaks it! Or we develop expectations because a particular prophetic word has a time frame attached to it. But we must remember that even the most seasoned prophet “[sees] through a glass darkly” (1 Cor. 13:12) and may not have God’s timing perfectly in view.

There is always a need to test each prophecy you receive. But once you are sure you’ve heard God’s voice, either through someone else or in your own heart, have faith that His promise will be fulfilled—if not today, perhaps tomorrow. Look forward to all the good things He had ordained for you (see Ps. 84:11).

Prayer Power for the Week of Jan. 27, 2019

Start the week by thanking God for all His promises and His faithfulness to fulfill them in His time frame. Ask Him to guide you daily in accomplishing the goals He has ordained for you. Set your heart to seek His face and delight in Him as you wait. Pray for revival to ignite in our nation and spread around the world. Remember those suffering through great loss from natural disasters, wildfires, crime and terrorism as well as income due to the government shut down. Lift up our first responders, military, civil servants and their families. Heed the Word of God to pray for those in authority and have the rule over us. Pray for unity among the brethren and that God would heal our land. Read 2 Chronicles 7:14.


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