Hillary Clinton

WikiLeaks: Clinton Machine Wanted to Make a Joke of Her Email Scandal


WikiLeaks continues to drop new documents from its “Podesta Emails” dossier on a daily basis, but one of the latest reveals the twisted way in which the Clinton Machine planned to respond to Hillary’s email scandal.

Jon Lovett, a former White House speech writer to President Barack Obama, who later became a producer for HBO’s “The Newsroom,” wrote the following joke about the scandal, which Clinton staffers were critiquing in a March 2015 email chain:

Everybody knows Hillary got in trouble for using her personal email. But it was truly personal.

FROM: [email protected]<;mailto:[email protected]>;

TO: [email protected]<;mailto:[email protected]>;

We still on for yoga? Want to get my shavasana on.

And she’s not the only one.

From: [email protected]<;mailto:[email protected]>;

To: [email protected]<;mailto:[email protected]>;

I miss you. I miss talking to you. Forget it, I’m just kidding. I shouldn’t have sent this. Unless you agree. Call me?

Though I guess this one is kinda borderline:

From: [email protected]<;mailto:[email protected]>;

To: [email protected]<;mailto:[email protected]>;

Miss u, bro. By the way I asked dad’s lawyer friend (Clarence Thomas) and you’re wrong: nothing in the constitoosh says I can’t be VICE president.

But I really think this should have stayed private:

FROM: [email protected]<;mailto:[email protected]>;

TO: [email protected]<;mailto:[email protected]>;

OK, I cann barely type this but my hand i sstuck insdie the vendign machine aand if I let go I lose the snickers, tell me what to do boss.

The joke was crafted by Lovett with input from Brian Coy, who was at the time working in the office of Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe. Jennifer Palmieri, who later became Clinton’s communications director also weighed in with an “email” about Hollywood actor/director/producer Jon Favreau.

But that’s just scratching the surface of what WikiLeaks has released in the past 24 hours. Here are some of the other WikiLeaks-related headlines:


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