Michael Moore

You Won’t Believe Who Michael Moore Says Will Win in November


Michael Moore, arguably one of the most liberal American filmmakers, is hardly the person conservatives and Christians would turn to for political predictions.

But his most recent comments on the state of the 2016 presidential election were likely just as shocking to conservatives as they were for liberals. While appearing on HBO’s political talk show Real Time with Bill Maher, the documentarian weighed in with his stunning prediction:

Donald Trump will win in November.

“I’m sorry to have to be the buzzkill here so early on,” he said, “But I think Trump is going to win.”

The vast majority of the conversation was a vulgar, profanity-laced rant against the Republican presidential nominee and his family, and of participants in the Republican National Convention in general. Moore was joined by militant LGBT activist Dan Savage and MSNBC host Joy-Ann Reid on the show’s panel.

“People are in denial about this, but the chance of him winning is really, really good,” Moore reiterated later in the program. “We don’t want him to be president, but please don’t live in denial about this, because the very thing we’re describing here … he’s going to turn his presidency into a reality show.”

Reid tried to downplay the threat to liberals, saying that if “voters of color turn out,” there’s no way Trump can win the election. Moore, on the other hand, pointed out all of the key battleground states have elected Republican governors.


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