Sen. Jason Rapert speaks at the Ten Commandments unveiling.

How This Spirit-Filled Senator Sees Prophecy Fulfilled, Even in Politics


Sen. Jason Rapert represents District 35 in the Arkansas State Senate. He spoke with Charisma News earlier this year about the role his faith and following the Holy Spirit has played in his personal and political life.

What has the Holy Spirit spoken to you about your role in the Senate?

I have dedicated my service in the Senate to serve the people of my district, my state and to honor God the very best that I can in word and deed. Psalm 33:12 tells us, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.”

If Americans want our nation to continue to enjoy God’s blessings, then our nation must remember the God of the Bible as our Lord. Our Founding Fathers believed this, and our nation did a good job of honoring this notion until 1962, when the federal courts began unraveling the will of the people and the history of our great country.

As long as God wants me in public service, and the people want a man who honors God serving in public office, then I am committed to serving and fighting for what is right no matter what liberals or the devil himself throw my way.

What sort of specific prophetic words have you had that have influenced your career?

Over the years, as I have run for public office and stood strong during some very tough battles against abortion, defending marriage between one man and one woman and upholding God in the public square—God has graciously used believers and ministers to speak strongly into our lives at very critical times.

I knew without a doubt that Arkansas was going to pass the Arkansas Heartbeat Protection Act—which when passed became the strongest pro-life bill passed in American since the 1973 Roe V. Wade decision.

We have received many prophetic words that we hold precious and consider very personal. There is one moment that I do want to share that took me by surprise and blessed me very much.

I was in Washington, D.C., in 2014 for the National Day of Prayer and Christian Solidarity event held at the Embassy of Israel. After the event at the Embassy of Israel, I was invited to stop by the “prayer house,” which is located just behind the embassy in Washington, D.C., where they were having a prayer event.

It so happens that the owner of the house, the person who created the prayer house was there—Roberta Parham Hromas, the granddaughter of Rev. Charles Parham of the historic Topeka, Kansas, Pentecostal outpouring.

When I was introduced to Roberta, we spoke briefly and I told her I just wanted to thank her on behalf of my family for what her grandfather was a part of in the early days of the Spirit-filled movement in our nation. My family has been richly blessed and helped by embracing the fullness of God’s Word and enjoying the blessings of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

I was surprised when Roberta asked me to come and sit down for a while and talk during the event. She took me into her dining room to sit down together; she said she wanted to pray for me. She turned and retrieved a bottle of anointing oil from a shelf and told me the bottle of oil was from Israel.

She said, “The Lord sees everything you are doing, and He wants me to tell you He is pleased. He has seen you in the good times and tough times. He laughs with you and even cries with you. He wants me to tell you that when you come up to a wall, to any difficulty, you should just walk right on through it; it will be like tissue paper to you. He has anointed you to be a part of His end-time plan in the days in which we live.”

I was speechless. What could I say?

This dear woman of God had never met me before; she did not know the specifics of any of the struggles that we had endured, but God used her to speak to me in a very personal way and encourage me to stay the course.

I thank God for the gifts of the Spirit and for those who utilize them to edify and encourage the body of Christ—including me. I don’t generally share such personal moments of prayer and encouragement, but I know there are people reading this who face their own struggles and battles—I want them to know that God does see you. He does know what you are going through, and He will help you just as He has helped me.

Ephesians 6 is a critical passage of Scripture. We are truly in spiritual warfare, and if believers will trust God, use His Word and act on His Word, they will ultimately see victory.

What is your take on the spiritual climate of the nation?

We are at the most critical moment for our nation since the founding of our country. If our nation ceases to honor God, we will not survive for very long. No nation has ever survived that has turned its back upon God—history is clear about this.

We need revival in our churches that spills over into our communities and transforms the lives of our people.

One of my assignments is to teach and equip believers to become leaders who cannot be destroyed and who will exercise the duty given to us in Genesis 1:26-28. We need good people to run for office and serve. Christians should not vote for people who refuse to respect and honor God.

I am calling for a modern-day “Appeal to Heaven” and have committed to speak and preach anywhere the doors open and share what God has done in my life, what He can do in the lives of others and the importance of having godly leaders in our nation.

How could a statue (monument) like the Ten Commandments monument signal to demonic forces that your state belongs to God?

The Bible is clear: Evil is at war with all that is good.

We have heard the phrase “Let it be written, let it be so”—when any nation or state puts something into written law, it is powerful.

When our state took a stand for the Ten Commandments in 2015, when we passed the strongest abortion prohibition in the country at the time in 2013, when our secretary of state allowed me to have the Washington Cruiser flag hoisted and formally flown on Washington’s birthday in 2015, when we passed strong pro-Israel legislation in 2017 and every other time that our state takes a stand for something that honors God and the Bible, it definitely sends a signal to everyone and the spiritual realm that Arkansas seeks to honor God and invites His blessing.

How does Appeal to Heaven apply to the Ten Commandments statue?

I have been told by many that prophecies were given about our state over the past few years. “As goes Arkansas, so goes the nation.” In fact, I believe Dutch Sheets gave one of those prophecies in our state several years ago. I had not known this until after I was contacted by Rev. Sheets and others when they realized we had raised the Washington Cruiser flag over our state Capitol. I believe people see we are doing all we can to remind the nation of our history and heritage. The seeds of our greatness are being watered once again, and this will bring great blessing to the country even as the spiritual warfare surrounding these acts increases.

How is the Holy Spirit moving in your state?

Arkansas has seen great blessings over the past few years in parallel with many of the God-honoring acts we have passed. Our economy is better, and our state is moving forward in ways we have not in the past. I believe the Lord is blessing Arkansas spiritually and also blessing us in the physical realm as well. We are now considered the second most pro-life state in the nation, and abortions have been declining. {eoa}

Senator Jason Rapert is the owner and president of Rapert Financial & Associates Inc. in Conway. He is also the president and founder of Holy Ghost Ministries, Inc. of Arkansas, a faith-based humanitarian mission organization with projects in Ghana, West Africa, and the Philippines. Since 2004, he has served in the mission field eight times and has led several mission teams to Africa. He is an ordained minister and speaks around the country on faith, Judeo-Christian values and religious liberty.

A lifelong resident of Arkansas, Senator Rapert earned his undergraduate degree from the University of Central Arkansas. In 2013 he was awarded the honorary degree of Doctor of Theology by the Midwest College of Theology for his efforts to uphold biblical values.

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