Equalities Minister to Spur Effort for LGBT-Inclusive Sex Education


The new relationships and sex education subjects should be “LGBT-inclusive,” the Minister for Equalities has said.

Nick Gibb also promised a wide-reaching consultation on the plans, which cover English schools.

Gibb, who revealed that he is gay in 2015, made the comments in an interview with homosexual news website PinkNews.

Sex-Ed Changes

The government is currently drawing up changes to sex education to create relationships education for primary schools, and relationships and sex education for secondary schools.

Ministers have denied parents the right to withdraw their children from the primary-level classes, but the right is set to remain at the secondary-level subject.

Homosexual lobby group Stonewall has already said it will be pressing the government to ensure LGBT issues are “reflected in updated guidance for schools.”


In his PinkNews comments on the issue, Gibb said: “My intention is to ensure that it will be LGBT-inclusive.”

Stating that young people need to be “equipped for life in Britain as it is today,” he added: “We will be consulting widely about the curriculum to ensure it is the best it can be, is age appropriate and commands the support of the teaching profession.”

Last month, a study showed that more than four in 10 British adults believe primary-aged kids should not be taught about homosexual relationships.

The YouGov survey also revealed that 12 per cent of LGBT respondents believe kids should not learn about gay relationships.

‘Shocked at Video’

As well as being equalities minister, Gibb serves as a school minister. In 2012, he ordered the editing of an explicit primary-aged sex education film which was being recommended by local authorities.

“Parents will be shocked that this type of material is present in primary schools and even more surprised that councils are recommending it,” he said.

Following the announcement of the new sex education subject, Deputy Director for Policy and Staffing at The Christian Institute, Humphrey Dobson, said the new teaching could “expose young children to concepts that they and their parents fundamentally disagree with for religious or philosophical reasons.” {eoa}

For the original article, visit Christian.org.uk.


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