Florida Mosque

Muslims Rank Higher Than LGBT on Left-Wing Media’s Agenda


The Leftwing media made it quite clear after the Orlando Muslim terrorist massacre who ranks highest on their victim totem pole. And to the surprise of many, it turns out Muslims, and Islamism as conceived by the Muslim Brotherhood, far outrank over 50 dead homosexuals in the Left’s hierarchy of victims. 

You can always tell which victim group ranks highest by who gets to go on TV first to explain the crime, which is why we saw the national TV networks put up Imam Muhammad Musri (pictured), the president and senior Imam of the Islamic Society of Central Florida, immediately after the massacre and long before any LGBT spokesperson was put on to mourn the real victims.

But Imam Musri wasn’t on TV to mourn the 50 victims of a homophobic murder—he was there to protect the lie that the massacre at Pulse had nothing to do with Islam.

Then again, this should not have been such a surprise, because given Donald Trump’s attitude of supportive ambivalence on the homosexual political agenda there would be no Republican to slime with the media’s ever-present homophobe slur.

Donald Trump and Islam, now that’s another story.

Although his most recently hired D.C.-based advisers have tried to downplay or walk-back his comments, Trump has largely gotten it right on the threat Islam poses to constitutional liberty. He hasn’t put it in D.C. political class policy-speak, but he’s been mostly right—as we pointed out in our article “We Can—and Should—Ban Most Muslim Immigration to America.”

So hiding the truth about Islamic views about the death penalty for practicing homosexuality and giving Muslim Brotherhood affiliated apologists a national TV microphone to explain at every opportunity that the Orlando Muslim terrorism massacre “has nothing to do with Islam” makes perfect sense.

Except, of course, it has everything to do with Islam and how Islam is practiced by millions of adherents around the globe.

Notice there’s been no national TV network explanation of the Islamic religious roots of this hate crime against gays.

Even the Council on American-Islamic Relations’ infamous spokesman Ibrahim Hooper called the massacre a “hate crime,” while he was carefully shielded from any questions about the religious basis for Omar Mateen’s act of personal jihad against homosexuality—one of the seven Hudud crimes for which death or maiming is virtually automatic under Shariah or Islamic law.

And Imam Muhammad Musri’s comments were where it gets really interesting.

As our friend LTC Allen West put it, “What Imam Musri said about the attacks is nothing short of stunning, as he blamed ‘mass shootings’ for the tragedy even as he called for people not to ‘jump to conclusions.'”

Imam Musri’s comments that “we must do something to stop the mass shootings that are happening all the time” is of course the one answer that is acceptable to the Leftwing establishment media—because of its implicit call for more gun control—and the one answer that conveniently hides the truth about Islam’s role in the shooting.

And it is also the one political issue that conveniently brings together Islamists and Leftwing statists, like Hillary Clinton, because what they both want is more unarmed victims who are incapable of defending constitutional liberty and standing in the way of their totalitarian vision for the future.

The Left’s call for more gun control is not a reality-based solution to the problem, because it focuses on the cosmetics of guns, rather than the Islamic motivations of gun possessors, which are always conveniently hidden or glossed over.

The motivation is Islam—the very ideas expressed, by the way, by the San Bernardino jihadi’s father living right here in America.

Where do these ideas come from?

They come straight from the Quran and from the teachings of Islamist clergy and organizations, such as the Muslim Brotherhood and its front groups in America, such as CAIR.

To confirm the folly of increasing gun control in a time of Muslim terror attacks we need only contrast what happened in San Bernardino and Orlando with what stopped the killing at Vaughn Foods in Oklahoma.

After a Muslim beheaded an unarmed grandmother at her workplace, what stopped him was a manager with a gun and the personal courage and training to use it. That attack would have no doubt progressed as it did at Pulse—like a harvester scything wheat—had the good guy with a gun not been at Vaughn Foods to stop it.

Think gun control will stop Muslim terrorists in America?

Throughout the Middle East and particularly in areas of Israel where Palestinian jihadis have easy access to attack civilians, there has been a wave of Muslim terrorist murders of civilians and attacks on individual military personnel with knives.

What happened in Orlando and San Bernardino is the new normal for America—and what the Israelis have learned is that what stops these attacks is an armed citizenry and a police presence unbound by Obama’s traitorous political correctness.

It should be clear by now that the Leftwing media sees hiding the truth about Islam and promoting gun control as two of the top issues, if not the top two jobs they must accomplish to elect Hillary Clinton. Don’t let them get away with it!

Please forward this article to your friends and contacts and tell gun-control-loving politicians that in this time of Muslim terrorism what we need is more good guys with guns, not more unarmed victims for terrorists. {eoa}

George Rasley is editor of ConservativeHQ, a member of American MENSA and a veteran of over 300 political campaigns, including every Republican presidential campaign from 1976 to 2008. He served as lead advance representative for Governor Sarah Palin in 2008 and has served as a staff member, consultant or advance representative for some of America’s most recognized conservative Republican political figures, including President Ronald Reagan and Jack Kemp. He served in policy and communications positions on the House and Senate staff, and during the George H.W. Bush administration he served on the White House staff of Vice President Dan Quayle.


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