Glenn Beck Offers Ted Cruz ‘Last Chance’ Spiritual Help

Glenn Beck and Ted Cruz

Nationally syndicated radio host Glenn Beck, an outspoken supporter of U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), took to social media with a request for his followers, as well as those who also support the senator’s presidential bid.

He ask that they take part in a fasting and prayer on Cruz’s behalf, beginning Monday night and concluding Tuesday evening. Voters in Indiana will go to the polls Tuesday in what many have said—including Cruz himself—is a critical moment for this campaign.

Beck began his post with a brief history lesson:

“It was on April 30, 1789, when George Washington raised his right hand and placed his left on the Bible which had been opened randomly to Genesis 49 due to running behind.

“He then walked a few blocks to attend a service as passed in a congressional resolution two days prior: Resolved, That after the oath shall have been administered to the president, he, attended by the vice president and members of the Senate and House of Representatives, shall proceed to St. Paul’s Chapel, to hear divine service.

“This chapel is now known as The Little Church That Stood. It still stands as the oldest Church in NYC across the street from the World Trade Center.

“It is here that Washington spent four hours in prayer and made a covenant with God.

He will be our God and we shall be His people.

Beck said he believes that covenant is still in effect, saying it has protected our nation and its people “for a great while.” But because Americans have turned their backs on God, he believes God may be preparing to turn His back on us.

“We are shunning God, and now openly mocking Him,” he wrote. “We have chased Him from our public spaces and conversations, His laws are not recognized anymore in most of our courtrooms, schools, business’ nor our homes and not only can we as a people not name the basic ten laws of God, we break them as individuals and as a nation on a regular basis.

“We have become lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal and haters of good.

“We wonder why our nation is in trouble. It has nothing to do with D.C., as they are nearly a reflection of us.”

Beck said he was writing from a hotel in Fort Wayne, Indiana, after having spoken with about 6,000 people at a rally on behalf of Cruz. He said won’t see his family again until Wednesday night. He said he was doing all this because he believes “this may be our last chance.”

“The Supreme Court judges that will be appointed are enough to seal our fate alone,” he wrote. “But I believe this is an individual choice. There is no collective salvation, and He is asking each of us to choose.

“We all agree, America is at a crossroads. If we choose a king, he will give us one. He always does.

“But because we are the only nation since ancient Israel to have actually made a covenant with Him, it must be broken, I believe, by all of us.”

Beck said many would mock that theory, but that he feels that will prove his point. He said God will ask each American—in every state—the question, “Who will you serve?” Tuesday, Indiana will make its choice, he said.

Then he made his appeal for prayer and fasting, noting that he had been mocked in the past for making similar requests.

“I would like to ask that you, your family and friends join me for a day of prayers, fasting and humility,” he wrote. “To beg the Lord to not remove His hand from us. To turn to Him and ask that He will heal our land.

“Beginning Monday night and running for 24 hours ending on Tuesday, will you pray and if possible fast like you have never done before?

“‘Cry out to Him.’ Join me and my family in praying and fasting for our nation and our God to look down and forgive us of our misguided ways.

“‘Help us Lord to return to you and have the bravery to do the hard thing—to Trust in You and to do our part by standing firm in the eternal truths that Got us here in the first place.’

“Let us renew our covenant with Him and as George Washington did and humbly seek his face, guidance and protection.”

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