Rafael Cruz and Micah Clark

Ted Cruz’s Dad ‘Implores’ Christians to Vote


The importance of Tuesday’s Indiana primary for U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign cannot be understated.

With many across the country fasting and praying for a positive outcome, the senator’s father, Pastor Rafael Cruz, has been hopping around the Hoosier State, working to drum up evangelical support, for weeks. His message for Bible-believing Christians has been simple.

“I implore, I exhort every member of the body of Christ to vote according to the Word of God, and vote for the candidate that stands on the Word of God and on the Constitution of the United States of America,” he said to Micah Clark, president of the American Family Association of Indiana. “And I am convinced that man is my son, Ted Cruz. The alternative could be the destruction of America.”

As the Cruz campaign moved to New York and Pennsylvania following its victory in Wisconsin, Pastor Cruz was dispatched to Indiana to begin sowing the many evangelical congregations there. Over the weekend, it appeared to at least partially pay off when the leaders of all the state’s major, Christian, pro-family groups endorsed Sen. Cruz.

Among them was Clark, who shared a video Monday afternoon of an interview he did with Pastor Cruz. Click here to see the video.


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