Ted Cruz Tells Volunteers to ‘Strap on Full Armor of God’

Ted Cruz recently told his volunteers to strap on the full armor of God

Ted Cruz told his campaign supporters to “strap on the full armor of God,” during a recent Iowa campaign stop.  

The Republican candidate, who kicked off his campaign at Liberty University, is the man to beat, according to PJ Media.  

Cruz’s Ephesians 6 approach was revealed on New Year’s Eve

“We’re winning right now, and as a result, I want to tell everyone, get ready,” Cruz said. “Strap on the full armor of God, get ready for the attacks that are coming. … We ain’t seen nothing yet.” 

And while Cruz is asking for supporters to put on the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the belt of truth, shoes that spread the gospel of peace and use the sword of the Spirit, others in the Republican Party are mudslinging.

“Cruz isn’t exaggerating about the attacks,” PJ Media‘s Michael Van Der Galien writes. “Senator Marco Rubio and his SuperPAC are doing everything in their power to discredit the senator from Texas, even if they have to spin and blatantly lie to do so. More recently, Rand Paul also jumped on the anti-Cruz bandwagon, accusing him of flip flopping. I’m sure the senator from Kentucky will continue to do so in the weeks leading up to the Iowa caucuses.” 

But Cruz appears to be pushing ahead. He’s predicted he’ll win the Iowa Caucus and believes the Republican primary will be decided by March

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