What Works When Diets Don’t?


Although I believed I was healthy and fit, by the time I reached my 22nd birthday, my 6-foot-2-inch frame had skyrocketed to 270 pounds, and I was diagnosed with borderline hypoglycemia. My blood pressure and my cholesterol levels were high, my health was rapidly deteriorating. I was told that I might need to take medication for the rest of my life. I was shocked! I knew that if I didn’t change my lifestyle, my lifestyle would change me!

In the late 1990s, I was a corporate executive of 24 Hour Fitness before I became a pastor. I managed fitness centers while assisting and interviewing thousands of weight-loss clients. As a result, I identified a consistent pattern that surfaced time and time again. I applied these principles in overcoming my own health and weight-loss challenges as well.

Obesity is skyrocketing—and has now reached epidemic levels in children. Diabetes is plaguing millions, and cancer and heart disease are the number one killers in America.

Is there an answer? Yes there is. Join us Live or via Livestream at wcfav.org on Saturday, Aug. 19, at 11 a.m. PST.



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