T.D. Jakes: Expect Change and Limitations in Your Life


Pastor T.D. Jakes says it’s important to recognize many things in life are ever-changing, and as human beings, we’re not invincible. Burnout is all too common. But with the right mindset, we can be positive God will sustain us.

“Everything changes in life; nothing stays the same,” Jakes says. “Sometimes the person you meet who was a blessing ends up becoming a burden, and the person that you thought was a burden ends up becoming your greatest blessing. You can’t get stuck into one frame of thinking about a thing. …

“When you’re a Christian, there’s another level of anxiety that comes on you because you feel like, ‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. So I shouldn’t have any limit at all.’ Christ has no limits. [But] you have a limit. You’re not just doing it through Christ—you’re doing it through flesh, so you’ve got to go to bed sometimes.”

To watch the entire sermon titled “Your Breaking Point Is Your Breakthrough Point,” click here.


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