John Hagee Says Don’t Allow This ‘Emotional Poison’ to Steal Your Joy

2021 9 John Hagee Pulpit

The anger and rage that has become predominant in America has not escaped Pastor John Hagee’s attention. It breaks his heart to see the division that has split the country and has left holes wide open for the devil to come in and steal, kill and destroy as the Bible says in John 10:10 (MEV).

Hagee himself has experienced insults, mocking and people speaking all manner of evil for his preaching of the gospel. He knows that many other believers have endured the same persecution. So, he asks, how should Christians respond to these verbal attacks?

“Jesus said we should rejoice and be exceedingly glad,” Hagee says. “Don’t allow the false accusations of people to destroy your peace of mind or your accomplishments. Be happy that you are doing something that irritates the ungodly. When the prince of darkness comes after you, remember that greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. All believers need to take a page from Jesus’ book.

“People are so easily offended these days, but the apostle James writes in James 1:19, ‘therefore, my beloved brothers, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger.’ Solomon in his wisdom wrote, ‘he who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit than he who takes a great city.’ Don’t let the devil provoke you. Don’t let his little disciples provoke you by keeping your peace rather than blowing your top. That way, you always win.

“I know at this time in our nation a lot of people are driven by anger, rage and resentment. Don’t allow this emotional position to destroy your day. Be blessed by the joy of the Lord that maketh rich and adds no sorrow. You enter into joy when you respond to people’s angry speech with this foolproof remedy: rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward which is in heaven.”

For the rest of John Hagee’s stirring teaching, watch the video above. {eoa}

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