Back to School: Defend Your Child Against Spiritual Attack in the Classroom

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Parents nationwide are buying back-to-school supplies, making lunches and figuring out what extra circular activities their child will be involved in—but what they may not be preparing for is the onslaught against parental rights in schools.

Teacher Brenda Lebsack has been part of the educational system for 30 years, and after years of digging into the Critical Race Theory and Gender Ideology agendas for schools, she’s speaking out on the spiritual attack against the body of Christ nationwide.

Charisma News sat down with Lebsack, who explains what she believes is a smoke screen to accomplish hidden demonic plans.

“What they do, just like a cult, they love bomb them with affirmation, ‘you can be anything you want to be, and we will love you unconditionally unlike your parents who might be parents of faith,'” Lebsack says.

Now Lebsack is encouraging parents to be proactive, and not “wait for it to happen.” Here is a list of a few tips she says will help you identify what is going on in your child’s school.

  • If their teacher, principal or superintendent uses pronouns in their sign off, that’s a sign that they are either part of the activism movement or they are enabling the activism movement.
  • Check and see if your child’s school uses the Trevor Project or TrevorSpace—a chat line where kids are mixed in with unvetted, random adults to explore their genders and sexualities. “This is very dangerous and parents have no idea,” Lebsack says.
  • Look at the books that are being taught in Sex Education classes or even as early as Kindergarten. Books like, What Are Your Words, or It Feels Good To Be Yourself, which Lebsack says actually create gender dysphoria by telling a child as young as five their pronouns can change “like the weather.”

Lebsack says over the years of attending education conventions for teachers and school board members, she has seen what she feels is “hate speech towards people of faith.” Now on top of that—parental rights are being removed from their underage children and put into the hands of the child and the school district.

In what many are calling an ‘outrageous’ document released by the National Sex Education Standards Core Content for K-12, it says that any denial of resources such as puberty blockers or hormone therapy may be considered “gender-based violence.” Anyone who does not use or affirm a student’s gender identity is considered sexist.

Within recent years, a parent in Los Angeles and a mother in Chicago both had children forcibly removed from their home, because of their decision to not allow their underage child to surgically remove their body parts, or use puberty blockers and hormone therapy.

“They changed the construct of humanity, that’s very deceptive,” Lebsack says. Schools are being told to avoid ‘cisnormative’ and ‘heteronormative’ approaches in Sex Education. They believe that children who identify as their biological sex, are in places of power and privilege and have an unearned access to resources and social power.

So, what can you do? Lebsack encourages parents to “look at alternatives as far as homeschooling, as far as pulling their kids out, you know doing co-ops, churches are getting very creative,” she says.

There are also pastors and parents nationwide attending schoolboard meetings standing up for what they believe in the Bible and shining a light in the darkness.

Christians are coming together to pray, link arms and fight for their kids’ education. The Bible says to be “familiar with his [Satan’s] evil schemes.” Pastor Jack Hibbs is calling on the Body of Christ to get involved in what is going on politically saying, “Don’t let anyone ever tell you there is a separation from religion and politics. I think Satan invented that statement.”

Charisma News is working to continue to provide you updates on what is going on in your child’s school this year and how it affects the faith and beliefs of your family. {eoa}

Shelby Lindsay is an assistant editor for Charisma Media.

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