How FBI Charged Pro-Life Activist Who Saved Baby’s Life


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Pro-life activist Mark Houck is facing up to 11 years in jail for his role in saving the lives of the unborn.

In September, Mark was arrested on questionable charges by approximately 20 armed FBI agents at his house, allegedly with guns drawn. Mr. Houck has plead not guilty to two counts of violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act. The current mainstream culture in America describes someone like Mark Houck as a person who wants to take rights away from others. In fact, he is trying to protect the rights of the unborn.

Shortly after Houck’s arrest, the Pro-Life Union of Greater Philadelphia posted a video of a young couple describing who Mark Houck really is.

In the video, the young mother explains the trepidation she was feeling following her discovery of being pregnant, “I just felt shame and guilt. I just felt like I wasn’t ready.”

This fear tactic is prevalent in organizations like Planned Parenthood. They present themselves as the solution to fear, and the only way to live a happy life again is to go through with an abortion. And that is the path this young couple was on.

The baby’s father explains in the video how he believes they were being led to justify having the abortion, “‘We’re young, don’t have the baby, you’re not ready, it might not work.’ Like just all these different things.”

For the mother, having to deal with emotions she wasn’t ready for caused her a severe amount of anxiety, “I was just sad, confused, overwhelmed. I was scared, I felt shameful, I felt disgusted with myself…”

These convictions of the heart were God’s way of telling them this was wrong. But they didn’t have that knowledge, they were told their whole lives this was OK, but deep down they knew it was the wrong path for them and their baby.

What they needed was a divine appointment, and that’s exactly what God sent their way.

“I had one hand on the door about to go into Planned Parenthood and then Mark stopped us,” the mother explained. “He was like, ‘You guys don’t have to do this.'”

Mark wasn’t harassing them or condemning them during their trip to Planned Parenthood, he was trying to love them and build a relationship with them.

“We talked to him, and he really got through to us like literally before we walked in the doors,” the father recalled.

“He was just really trying to get to know us on a deeper level than, you know, us just getting an abortion…[it] was real easy and quick to open up to him because it wasn’t like a judgmental thing at all,” explained the mother.

Mark did as Jesus commanded and just loved on this couple. They recognized this authenticity and it not only resounded with them emotionally but spiritually as well.

“He opened my eyes to a lot of stuff,” said the father.

After this God-encounter with Houck, the couple left Planned Parenthood and had a beautiful baby girl.

“Her name is Nevaeh, that’s heaven spelled backward,” the new mother explained. “We named her Nevaeh because she is exactly heaven sent, a gift straight from God Himself.”

These interactions showcase the importance of meeting confused, scared and young couples with love, because they have not experienced it yet in their lives.

Mark Houck’s actions changed the course of this family forever, because he was obedient to the Word of the Lord. By building this relationship, Houck saved a family and continued to show them support and love after they left Planned Parenthood.

“The pro-lifers definitely were there for us every step of the way,” recalled the father. “I’m happy, like I said, I am just complete, I’m just so overwhelmed.”

By emulating Mark Houck’s selfless, loving actions, Christians have the opportunity across the world to show struggling young families the love of Christ and save the lives of countless unborn children. {eoa}

James Lasher is a Copy Editor for Charisma Media.


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