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‘Exorcist’ Director Witnesses ‘Terrifying’ Real-Life Exorcism While Filming New Documentary


One would think that, after directing the iconic film The Exorcist, there wouldn’t be too much left that could scare filmmaker William Friedkin. But as it turns out, witnessing a real-life exorcism apparently left the movie director pretty terrified.

Friedkin told Variety that he finally saw the exorcism rite being performed first-hand decades after making The Exorcist—and that the real-life experience included thrashing, screaming, foaming at the mouth and other horrors.

It was an event that he filmed while working on his new documentary, The Devil and Father Amorth, a film about Father Gabriele Amorth, a 91-year-old priest who performed daily exorcisms for the Vatican’s Rome Diocese until his death last September.

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