It's time to be a dad.

Hey Fathers, ‘Lead or Others Will’


With Father’s Day just around the corner, One Million Dads (1MD), a division of the American Family Association (AFA), is giving a gift not only to fathers but also to families.

AFA’s website is an online presence for Christian men and fathers to come together. 1MD provides men with tools, resources and support to be better dads, better grandfathers, better uncles or simply better men.

The 1MD initiative is spearheaded by AFA’s Jim Shempert, 1MD’s project leader, who says he feels burdened for all of God’s people, especially men, as he sees the increasing statistics resulting from fatherless homes.

“Day after day, we see so much family breakdown because fathers are not a steady presence in their kids’ upbringing,” Shempert said. “This absenteeism impacts children perhaps more than we will ever know, and research already tells us the consequences are significant. That’s why we work hard at One Million Dads to build up Christian men, encourage them, help strengthen their faith and equip them to pass along parenting wisdom to other fathers who may be struggling.”

Recent blog posts on include:

According to the site’s “Who We Are” page: “The mission of One Million Dads is the mission of Ezekiel 37. The men of the church have long been asleep. We have relinquished our God-given position of leadership, not to subjugate our families, but to lead them with the loving hand of Christ. Our hope is to wake up the fearsome wonder that is the mighty man of God and restore him to his role as leader, teacher, counselor and then thereby change the world we live in for the better.”

With a theme of “Lead or Others Will,” encourages, motivates and teaches men so they will be equipped with the leadership skills to serve their family, church and country. Men can also stay informed through 1MD’s Facebook page and on Twitter.

This month, the AFA is marking 40 years of working diligently toward cultural change in America and standing for traditional family values. {eoa}


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