A Palestinian woman prays outside the compound known to Muslims as Noble Sanctuary and to Jews as Temple Mount, just outside Jerusalem's Old City.

What to Tell the Homosexual or Muslim Who Walks Into Your Church


We all love Rahab, the prostitute who hid the Israeli spies and was rewarded by becoming an ancestor of Christ Himself.

Her story proves that even the most culturally vile of people can be redeemed. In biblical terms, this was a shock to the Pharisees, as she had committed the ultimate shame.

“She is something you should accept into your church with the same love, the same honor as Abraham,” author Donna Howell tells The Jim Bakker Show. “By doing so, we can look at what He actually accomplished by that, and we can say, ‘Who is today’s Rahab?’ By the way, I’m not talking about a woman, and I’m not talking about a prostitute. I’m talking about who is today’s cultural ‘shudder’ factor? Who is the person that when, they come into a church today, we all [back away], and ‘we don’t like that one’?”

By picking and choosing which sinners we think are redeemable, we openly violate John 3:16.

Watch the video to see more.



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