An aerial photo shows damage caused by Hurricane Maria in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

4 Ways Your Puerto Rico Donation Can Bring the Love of Jesus


Millions of Americans and beyond have been devastated by recent natural disasters that have killed friends and family members in Mexico and Puerto Rico.

The earthquakes and hurricanes have been labeled as “mind-boggling,” and the most destructive in history.

Now, more than ever, is a chance for the church to rise up. That’s why the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Council is calling for 4,000 churches to partner with them to serve the hurting communities.

“It has four elements to it,” NHCLC President Samuel Rodriguez tells Charisma News. “One, 4,000 churches in the U.S. adopt one church in Puerto Rico. There are about 3,000 churches in Puerto Rico that have impacted—either harmed, jeopardized, compromised or destroyed by the hurricane. And 1,000 in Mexico. So 4,000 churches in the U.S. adopt a church each—3,000 in Puerto Rico, 1,000 in Mexico. That adoption is for one year. It’s a commitment to help the pastor, the pastor personally, with their income, their salary, their finances, and to send a mission team, a mission team to help rebuild that church. That’s the commitment.”

Churches could choose to give $500-1,000 per month to their adopted church.

Second, NHCLC has partnered with Convoy of Hope to serve as its distribution partner in both Puerto Rico and Mexico. The NHCLC strongly encourages people to donate to Convoy of Hope and mention this campaign. Rather than collecting supplies at your church, financial donations are preferred at this time as they will empower Convoy of Hope to both purchase and effectively distribute supplies.

Third, the group partnered with New York City Councilman Fernando Cabrera to fill a cargo plane in New York City and travel to Puerto Rico with supplies to address basic necessities.

Fourth, The NHCLC will host benefit concerts in partnership with Christine D’ Clario and other Christian artists committed to equipping the church and restoring the nations.

“We have this campaign called Equip the Church or Restore the Church to rebuild the nation, so we’re sending some pastors and leaders in the month of November and December to help pastors over there and minister to the community and provide ministerial support. So it’s all on the website. We are working with Wanda Rolon and her chapter in Puerto Rico, the NHCLC chapter, addressing our churches there and we’ve been in constant contact, in constant contact with them. So what we’re doing is anyone who gives money to the NHCLC directly, every single penny, without exception, will be given to the churches in Puerto Rico to Wanda Rolon, William Hernandez and our leadership in Puerto Rico to distribute to pastors in order for them to continue to do ministry in the name of Jesus.”

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