The Shocking Russia-Iran Moment that Just Caused Ezekiel 38 to Trend on Social Media

2022 7 Putin Raisi Tayyip

Ezekiel 38, a key Bible chapter containing what is believed to be important end times prophecies, trended on Twitter Tuesday—and the reasons are nothing short of noteworthy.

People were quick to point out alarming current events unfolding this week that led some to turn their focus to prophetic Scripture. Before we get into the biblical implications, let’s briefly recap the international events and happenings at the center of intrigue.

Russia and Iran Getting Closer

Embattled Russian President Vladimir Putin made what The Washington Post called a “rare international trip to Iran” this week as the Ukraine war drags on and tensions with the West continue to boil.

Putin’s trip is perplexing and troubling for a variety of reasons. First and foremost, Russia and Iran are shunned by numerous nations, most notably the United States. These isolated countries share in that dynamic as well as in their quest for power. Beyond that, Putin’s trip seems to indicate closer ties between the allies, as he met with Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi before convening with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, according to CBN News.

It’s also impossible to ignore the fact Putin’s visit to Iran comes right after President Joe Biden visited Israel, a nation Iran has repeatedly threatened. Biden and Israel addressed concerns over Iran—a longstanding global issue for which no real solution seems to be on the table.

Take that along with the other global catastrophes and events unfolding, and there’s much to discuss. The world is at a precarious juncture, which has led many pastors and end-times experts to openly ponder whether the biblical prophecies about the end of days are starting to unfold.

Greg Laurie, pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, California, reminded Faithwire earlier this year of Jesus’ words in Matthew 24 that warn of wars, rumors of wars, plagues and other such elements in the lead-up to the end of days:

“Jesus in Matthew 24 gave us signs of the times—one of them was there’ll be wars and rumors of wars,” Laurie said. “No. 2, there would be pestilence and plague, and if COVID is not a modern-day plague I don’t know what is, and it’s affected the whole planet [and it] still affects us to this day.”

Laurie and others are careful in discussing these issues, though the chaos—and these latest developments with Russia and Iran—are adding fuel to the fire, especially when it comes to Ezekiel 38. {eoa}

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