Here's the Deal, by Larry Tomczak

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Is This Friday’s “Day of Silence” Harmless or Harmful for Your Children?

LGBTQ activist Desmond Napoles, 11, poses for a portrait in New York.

“Students, listen up. Just days ago, Chicago, the third-largest American city, elected its first lesbian, socialist, same-sex partnered, black female mayor, Lori Lightfoot! In her acceptance speech, she said, ‘I think about the children … boys and girls seeing leaders who look like them.’ And the mayor of South Bend, Indiana, Pete Buttigieg, is also gay and ‘married’ to his homosexual partner and preparing to declare his candidacy for president of the United States! Let’s give it up for LGBTQ advances today!”

This Friday is a big day in thousands of elementary schools, middle and high schools, colleges and universities across America. GLSEN (The Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network) promotes underhandedly the LGBTQ lifestyle to impressionable sons and daughters by calling for solidarity with a “Day of Silence.” This diabolical initiative erodes and corrupts the innocence and morals of our children at a time when “progressives” propagandize the LGBTQ ideology in our schools.

Since God directs fathers and mothers to train their children in righteous standards, it’s imperative that you find out if your particular school is one of scores signed on to this annual propaganda “promo.” Parents can put their collective foot down at this insidious trickery by joining in the nationwide “Day of Silence” Walkout (DOS).This also provides an excellent opportunity to share respectfully with school officials you “choose today whom you will serve … as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” (Josh. 24:15).

While you’re checking, you may want to inquire if the library is allowing registered sex offenders to perform drag queen routines and readings for children, the latest “trend” in diversity training in schools today.

Vigilance Required

Years ago, Senator Patrick Moynihan, D-N.Y., warned us how we need to be alert to attempts at “defining deviancy down.” In other words, we need to be on guard to those intentionally endorsing behavior that was once stigmatized and abnormal, bringing it to the “normal” level.

When Israel was going to battle against the ruthless Midianites, God gave explicit directions to select an elite force of soldiers who would be vigilant to spot oncoming stealth attacks. He told Gideon to bring the people down to the water and watch for those who would carefully lap the water, cupping their hands to their mouths yet staying watchful, contrasted with those who carelessly knelt down to drink providing opportunities for the enemy’s sneak attack (Judg. 7:4-8).

Parents in these challenging times must be part of God’s special forces who are watchmen on the wall and give no ground to powers and principalities setting up schemes to seduce our children into ungodliness. The cultural war is real, and the days of of passivity are over. When Miley Cyrus boasts of influencing 82 million Instagram followers by her hedonistic example, it’s a wake-up season for Christian pastors and parents.

Understanding the ‘Day of Silence’

Friday, April 12, in schools everywhere LGBTQ proponents again roll out their clever initiative having students remain silent to dramatize bigotry and discrimination to the LGBTQ “community”. They’ll be taught that we never discriminate if two students “come out as gay” and are proud of their newly discovered sexual orientation. The same applies if a fellow identifies now as a female mandating full access to girls’ changing rooms and bathrooms.

Teachers can freely encourage participation in “gay clubs” and warn students not to question any of the above or other parts of the LGBTQ agenda. And here is the zinger: disagreement with the above is “bullying” and it will be prohibited, punished and put away in our “enlightened” culture of tolerance.

GLESN helps schools implement policies and curricula to educate students, plus they encourage follow-up events with speakers and workshops for further instruction to enable schools to become “more LGBTQ inclusive.” Teachers and administrators are encouraged to go to their website, as the organization offers free streaming documentaries and study guides about “transgender and gender expansive youth.” They are generous in offering posters and graphics featuring themes like “Silence is Rebelling Against the Norm. It’s Resistance” along with promotional stickers, buttons, T-shirts and temporary tattoos.

Resisting the Ruse

Eliza Byard, GLESN’s lesbian executive director, says, “Support for transgender students in K–12 schools changes and saves lives and hurts no one.”

Is it true that it “hurts no one” to support confused young people drifting into unbiblical lifestyles? Is it really harmless to choose alternate behaviors clearly prohibited by God yet endorsed and celebrated by the LGBTQ community?

A little while ago, the Centers for Disease Control released their most extensive report ever on homosexual youth, “The Youth Risk Behavior Survey.” The results were downright scary!

• The life expectancy of homosexuals was 20 years less.
• Statistics on their high incidence of sexually transmitted diseases were chilling.
• They were four times as likely to attempt suicide.
• They were twice as likely as heterosexual teens to have been victims of sexual or physical dating violence; to be regular cigarette smokers; to have tried marijuana before age 13; to ever have used cocaine, hallucinogenic drugs, ecstasy and taking prescription drugs without a doctor’s prescription.
• They were more likely to be current marijuana users than heterosexual students; more likely to drink alcohol; plus, over four times as likely to have used methamphetamines or heroin.
• They were 25 percent more likely to have had sexual intercourse; more likely to be currently sexually active; and, to have had four or more sexual partners.
• They were more prone to hopelessness and depression.

Safeguard, Not Silence

LGBTQ advocacy groups like GLESN want to keep silent about these statistics, similar to Planned Parenthood with revealing “stats” on its butchery of precious babies. Their solutions are “Days of Silence,” gay-friendly curricula, participation in gay pride events, “safe spaces” and gay clubs in schools to provide encouragement and support in celebrating one’s gay or transgender lifestyle. Their endgame is to ultimately silence all opposition to the LGBTQ philosophy and punish those dissenting the way Canada does through its “hate crimes” legislation (see “Fined $55,000 for Calling a Male a Male”), which I was warned about when I spoke there at a conference.

Scripture says, “Likewise the men, leaving the natural function of the woman, burned in their lust towards one another, men with men doing that which is shameful, and receiving in themselves the due penalty of their error” (Rom.1:27). The same red alert is given for women who engage in this lifestyle contrary to God’s design for men, women and the family.

Here’s the deal: Practicing homosexuality and lifestyles contrary to God’s loving design for humanity is sinful and brings severe consequences to those who disobey. Our sacred duty is to safeguard our children from this penalty, not sentence them to suffering by our silence.

Listen below for interviews with men and women who have overcome homosexuality.

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